Tech News
This Is the Best Use of Drones In the History of Drones
This is so damn good: watch this squad of little flying drone quadcopter bastards playing the James Bond theme. The only way they could have made this better is if they added a hundred more drones playing the horn section from the original theme.
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Fly Through the Colossal 18-Mile-Long Ice Canyon In Antarctica
Remember the 18-mile-long canyon that was discovered by NASA at the Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica? Their researchers just completed the three-dimensional mapping of all its surface with stunning detail, using Digital Mapping System photographs over Airborne Topographic Mapper data. https://gizmodo.com/this-future-iceberg-would-be-able-to-sink-a-thousand-ti-5855827 The crack formed in the ice shelf that extends from one of West Antarctica’s … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
How To Start Up a Boeing 737 Step By Step
Planning to steal a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320? Pranas Drulis at the Baltic Aviation Academy got you covered: these videos show how to start up these planes from cold to ready to taxi, step by step. Anyway, what happened to the days of jumping into a B-17 and shouting “Start up those mothers! … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Mayan Pyramid Fires Energy Beam Into the Sky or iPhone Sensor Glitch? YOU PICK!
As if it wasn’t enough with imbeciles claiming that the Earth will be consumed by a supernova or a hungry black hole in 2012, now we are getting photos of Mayan pyramids firing energy beams into the sky. Great. Just great. https://gizmodo.com/the-world-wont-end-consumed-by-a-supernova-in-2012-nas-5868922 One of the researchers who operates NASA Mars missions’ cameras thinks “it really … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsApple
This Is the iPad 3 Hiding In Plain Sight
Apple just flashed their new iPad 3 on their Wednesday 7 event invite. You can clearly see the new Retina display in all its glory. Compare the left (invitation) to the right (the iPad 2). https://gizmodo.com/apple-will-announce-the-next-ipad-on-march-7th-5888983 The top has a lot more definition. It’s clear on the typography in the Wednesday, the spacing in relation … Continued
Jesus Diaz and Adrian Covert -
Tech NewsApple
This Is How Apple Swindled the iPad Trademark
Proview—the former owners of the iPad trademark in China—is suing Apple in California for “fraud by intentional misrepresentation, fraud by concealment, fraudulent inducement, and unfair competition.” Are they right? This is how Apple tricked them. You be the judge: • First, Apple contacted a company in Britain called Farncombe International. The managing director of this … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Mountain Lion Review: What Happened to Apple’s Innovation?
OS X Lion seemed unpolished, and, worse, not innovative. When Mountain Lion dropped a couple weeks ago, we were pumped: It was a relatively rapid update, and we hoped it would address our concerns. Hrmph. https://gizmodo.com/mac-os-x-lion-review-this-is-not-the-future-we-were-ho-5819418 I’ve been using Mountain Lion for more than a week now, and I got the same feeling I got … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Wikileaks Reveals Privately Run CIA’s Dirty Secrets (Update 2)
Wikileaks has published five million emails from Stratfor, an intelligence company based in Texas that, looking at their practices, appears to be America’s very own privately run CIA. According to Wikileaks, their deals would also include the use of privileged information to make money in financial markets. Stratfor’s clients are the US Government, other countries … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
International Space Station Astronaut Builds Lego ISS Inside ISS
Watch International Space Station astronaut Satoshi Furukawa building a Lego model of the International Space Station inside the International Space Station. I wonder if there’s a minifig version of the International Space Station astronaut Satoshi Furukawa building a Lego model of the Lego International Space Station inside the Lego International Space Station. It took Furukawa … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Breakthrough Quadcopter Does Previously Impossible Acrobatics
Looking at their latest invention, Mark Cutler and Jonathan P. Howe will get an awesome job at some military aerospace company. They have created a quadrotor drone with variable-pitch, something that didn’t exist before in these kind of machines. Not they can do some crazy acrobatics. Go to minute 1:25 to see the cool action … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
This Is What the Death of a Star Really Looks Like
This is the best, the most detailed and clearest image of a dying star yet, according to NASA. Pause for a few seconds, expand the image, and really look at it. Imagine all that unstoppable fire in motion, like a real version of the Death Star explosion, but a gazillion times bigger. Imagine the shockwave … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Naked Women Bursting Bubbles In Super-Slow Motion—I Rest My Case (NSFW)
A group of veteran Playboy photographers have joined forces to teach how to perfectly capture naked people on film. Their first lesson: how to photograph models bursting bubbles. And… well, there’s not much to say here, really. NSFW, for obvious reasons. These masters of photography and Centerfold shooters are Arny Freytag and Jarmo Pohjaniemi. Shoot … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
This Is the Weirdest, Most Hilarious Helicopter Accident I’ve Ever Seen
Nobody was injured in this weird weird WEIRD helicopter accident, so you can laugh away from minute one. I feel sorry for the people getting shaken so badly, but it is hilarious. It happened last Wednesday in Para, Brazil. I’m sure some of our readers would be able to explain why this thing started to … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsApple
This Is Not the iPhone 5
This is not the iPhone 5 but, if this were the iPhone 5, I wouldn’t mind buying it. I like the soapbar design, loosely based on the false teardrop iPhone 5 poppycock that someone puffed out sometime last year. And for those who say that this thing wouldn’t sit still on a table, the rounded … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsApple
Idiots Are Paying For Service that Adds “Sent From My iPhone” Signature to Messages
The more I read about this, the more I want to go to China and punch all these idiots out of their underpants: people paying one dollar a month to add a “sent from my iPhone” to every message they send. The reason? They can’t afford a real iPhone. Here’s the ad from one of … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Woman Gives Birth In the Back of a NYC Taxi
A woman gave birth last night in the back of a New York City taxi. It’s not the first time this has happened, but a videographer filmed it all—from the moment the emergency service people got the baby out to the time they all got the hospital. I’ve to admit it got me all teary. … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Two Helicopters Collision Kills Seven Marines Training for Afghanistan
Seven US Marines were killed yesterday night at the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, when their helicopters collided in mid-air around 8:00pm. They were training for deployment to Afghanistan, according to USMC spokeswoman 1st Lt. Maureen Dooley. The two helicopters, an AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopter and a UH-1Y Huey Venom like the ones in … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Two-Headed Mutant Trout Are Not Enough to Stop Selenium Pollution
1. Mining company commissions “scientific study” about selenium pollution in Idaho rivers. 2. “Scientific study” finds plenty of trout with two heads and numerous deformities. 3. “Scientific study” concludes that more selenium pollution should be allowed. 4. Profit. It seems like a Simpsons’ episode, but that’s what just has happened with a mining corporation called … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
First Photos of China’s 298-Million-Year-Old Buried Forest
These are the first photos of some of the countless treasures found in the extraordinary 298-million-year-old forest discovered under coal mine in Wuda, Inner Mongolia, China. https://gizmodo.com/extraordinary-298-million-year-old-forest-discovered-un-5886774 The beautiful images show “the exceptional preservation of the fossil plants of the peat-forming swamp forest.” The research team has found entire plants and trees, allowing them to … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
SciencePhysics & Chemistry
Ridiculous: A Loose Cable Caused Those ‘Faster-Than-Light’ Particles
We know that Einstein always has the last laugh, but this is hilarious: the faster-than-light particles that could have wrecked his relativity theory are no more. It was a mistake in the test results caused by a loose cable. https://gizmodo.com/faster-than-light-particles-could-wreck-einsteins-relat-5843006 Didn’t anyone from the Genius Bar tell them about the first rule of tech support? … Continued
By Jesus Diaz