ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Earth and Jupiter Captured In the Same Photograph Taken From Mars
This photo shows both the Earth and its moon and Jupiter and its moons. In the same frame. It was taken from Mars, and it’s humbling and incredible. Be sure to click the picture to see its full scope. [Reddit]
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Goodbye, My Friends. I’m Outta Here
So today is my last day at Gizmodo. Or, well, Friday was, and by now I am relaxing somewhere not thinking about gadgets. But in any case, I’m done. https://gizmodo.com/25-websites-hooters-wont-let-you-ogle-5618154 It’s been a pretty amazing run here, lasting nearly four years, and I’m going to miss the hell out of it. What other job pays … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
25 Websites Hooters Won’t Let You Ogle
For reasons I’ll get into at a later date, Matt, Barrett and I are currently working from a Hooters in midtown Manhattan with free Wi-Fi. Here are 25 sites their content filter will not let us access. maxim.com fleshbot.com collegehumor.com playboy.com thesmokingjacket.com erowid.org fhm.com thebeergoggler.com egotastic.com funnyordie.com thefrisky.com youtube.com nerve.com last.fm 2girls1cup.com vimeo.com urlesque.com myspace.com … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
‘Magnetic Woman’ May Just Be Really Dirty
This woman claims to be magnetic. I mean, look at all those small, light, metal objects sticking to her! But you’ve gotta wonder if they’re not just sticking to a thick layer of dried sweat. I mean, not to be gross, but isn’t that possible? Although she also claims that she can screw with electronics, … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Here’s a Much More Realistic Facetime iPhone 4 Commercial
Click to viewThose Facetime-based iPhone 4 ads sure are shmaltzy! This one is a little closer to what people are actually experiencing with the service. And yes, that’s an older iPhone. Try to look past it. [Funny or Die]
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Move Over, Zuck: Google Founders Getting the Feature Film Treatment
We’ve all seen the trailer for The Social Network (MARK!), but Zuckerberg’s not the only rich nerd being played in a movie by someone more attractive than he really is: a Google movie is in the works. https://gizmodo.com/the-official-facebook-movie-trailer-5577254 Yes, Larry Page and Sergey Brin are coming to the big screen in an adaptation of Ken … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Cosmo’s Sex Position of the Day App to Make Your Sex Life More Uncomfortable
Cosmo’s sex advice always seemed a little suspect to me ever since the time a girl tried to press a cantaloupe up on my grundle mid-coitus*. But hey, maybe I just wasn’t adventurous enough for her forward-thinking ways! Cosmo’s new Sex Position of the Day iPhone/Android app is just what it sounds like: a new, … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Cornucopia Bag Is Designed Specifically for Farmer’s Market Shoppers
Apparently, you need a special bag for when you go shopping for fresh produce and sundries at your local farmer’s market, and that bag is the Cornucopia Bag. What makes the Cornucopia Bag perfect for produce shopping? Well, it’s got a pull-out shoulder strap as well as backpack straps, for one, making it easy to … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Japanese Arcade Game of Questionable Entertainment Value Has a Tablecloth Controller
The Tablecloth Hour is an arcade game in Tokyo’s Taito station. It’s a game in which you try to pull a tablecloth off a table without disturbing the dishes. Yep. I guess if you’re trying to learn how to do this for real, this is a good enough way of doing so without breaking any … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech NewsGadgets
Grab a Vibrant on T-Mobile for $99, Today Only
T-Mobile is offering its Vibrant (AKA Samsung Galaxy S and Captivate and Epic 4G) for a mere $99, today only. That’s a 50% discount! If you want it, get on it post-haste. [T-Mobile via Engadget] https://gizmodo.com/samsung-galaxy-s-known-as-vibrant-captivate-and-fascin-5574325
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Tocky, the Alarm Clock That Runs Away When It Goes Off
If you’re a long-time Giz reader, you might remember Clocky, the alarm clock with wheels, from 2006. Well, say hello to the follow-up: Tocky. https://gizmodo.com/clocky-rolling-alarm-clock-now-available-223677 Tocky, much like Clocky, is designed to roll off your nightstand and make you get up and chase it in the morning. Sadistic! But this version is spherical, has a … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
iPhone Spy USB Stick Slurps Up Deleted Data from Any iPhone
Here’s an unsettling product: the iPhone Spy Stick. It’s a USB stick that, when plugged into an iPhone, can recover all sorts of info that you thought you deleted. Everything from texts to photos to internet history is accessible by this bad boy. Just take a look: Recover and view deleted: * Text messages * … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Mom Arrested for Posting Pic of Badass Bong-Smoking Baby to Facebook
That right there is a picture of Rachel Stieringer’s baby taking some wicked bong rips. She was arrested for posting the picture on Facebook. Before you freak out: the baby passed a drug test, so this was obviously a staged shot. Anyways, there’s no way a baby has the fine motor control necessary to handle … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
New, Higher-Capacity PS3 Models Coming This Fall
Want more space on your PS3? Install a new HDD. It’s very easy. Too lazy/rich? Well, soon there will be 160GB and 320GB models for you to upgrade to, then. For $300, you can get a straight-up PS3 with a 160GB HDD. That’s shipping immediately. For $400 you’ll be able to get a 320GB PS3 … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
JetBlue Brings Back All You Can Jet Deal
Got some free time next month? Well, JetBlue is offering up a deal where you can fly as many times as you want in 30 days for one reasonable flat rate. There are two different tickets you can buy: the full 30 day pass is $699, and a version that lets you fly as much … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
DARPA Building a Gigantic Space Net to Clean Up Space Junk in Space
Earth’s orbit is cluttered with dead satellites and other assorted space junk, making it increasingly dangerous for the ISS and new satellites. DARPA’s solution? Catch ’em all in a big ol’ net. The Electrodynamic Debris Eliminator, or EDDE, would be a spacecraft with 200 nets attached to it, allowing it to gather up any errant … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Animated GIFs of Complex Mechanisms in Action Are Hypnotizing and Educational
Do you know how the second hand works in your watch? How about a constant velocity joint? Well, let these awesome GIFs teach you a thing or two. This one is the Maltese Cross Mechanism, the thing in clocks that power the movement of the second hand. And this is how a sewing machine works. … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Adobe Is Totally Over Apple, They Swear
Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen wanted to work with Apple, he really did. But Apple didn’t want to work with them. These things happen! Here’s the full quote, from an interview with the Telegraph: Apple made some statements about the suitability of our technology for mobile devices. I think we’ve proven that the technology is not … Continued
By Adam Frucci