TC39 is an acronym for Technical Committee 39, a committee within Ecma International (formerly known as the European Computer Manufacturers Association) responsible for the development of the ECMAScript programming language. It consists of representatives from various companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Mozilla and Facebook. The committee works on the specification of the language, including new features, syntax, and other aspects of the language. They also work to ensure that the language remains compatible across browsers and platforms.
Temporal: Modern Dates and Times in JavaScript
JSNation US 2024JSNation US 2024
22 min
Temporal: Modern Dates and Times in JavaScript
I'll speak today about the temporal proposal, which adds modern date and time handling to JavaScript. Temporal is an API that'll be available in browsers soon and will add a built-in library for dates and times, avoiding the need for external libraries like Moment. It offers strong typing with different types for different data, such as calendar dates with or without time. Temporal objects are immutable and designed to work with JavaScript's internationalization facilities. It addresses deficiencies in the global date object and introduces types like instant and plain types for accurate representation of time and dates across time zones. With the old date, representing a date without a time can be problematic, especially in time zones where midnight is skipped due to daylight saving time. Temporal introduces types like plain date, plain time, plain year month, plain month day, and zone date time to accurately represent different scenarios. Additionally, there is a type called duration for arithmetic operations and unit conversion. Now that I've introduced you to the cast of characters in temporal, it's time to show how to accomplish a programming task. We'll start with an easy task: getting the current time as a timestamp in milliseconds using the instant type. To convert between Temporal types, you can either drop or add information. The two zone date time method is used for conversion and requires adding a time zone and a time. Although Temporal objects are immutable, you can create new objects with replaced components using the with method. Migrating from the old date object to Temporal offers a more reliable solution and avoids potential bugs. Check out the documentation for more details and enjoy using Temporal in your codebase!
Future Features of JS?!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Future Features of JS?!
Top Content
Welcome to the future features of JavaScript, including proposals for array operations, throw expressions, records and TPUs, pipeline operators, and more. The talk covers the introduction of type assertions for imported files, non-mutating array operations, and the simplification of error handling. It also explores the concept of immutability with records and TPUs, and the use of the pipeline operator to simplify code. Other proposals include Map.implace, IteratorHelper, slice notation, type annotations, Array UNIQBY, number ranges, and the Function 1 proposal.
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
9 min
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
ES Next proposal stages include straw person, proposal, draft, candidate, and finished. Optional chaining and null coalescing operators are solutions for handling undefined and null values. Logical assignment and null coalescing operators are seeking advancement to stage four. Decimal type is introduced to address floating point math issues. Cancellation API and abort control are solutions for canceling promise execution. Pattern matching allows matching the shape of a vector and performing actions based on it.
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
The Talk discusses various proposals for the next version of ECMAScript (ES Next) and the TC39 process. It covers features such as binding syntax, shorthand property assignments, pattern matching, async match, operator overloading, and more. These proposals aim to simplify code, make it more readable, and introduce new functionalities. The Talk also addresses questions about the committee's decision-making process and the experience of being part of the TC39 committee.