#desktop apps

Desktop apps are applications that are designed to run on a desktop computer, as opposed to running in an internet browser or on a mobile device. They are usually written in languages such as C++ or Java, but with the rise of JavaScript, some desktop apps are now being written in JavaScript. These apps allow users to access data and services stored on their computer, as well as providing a more interactive experience than a web page.
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
7 min
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Yash Rajavarma introduces observability and explains its importance for developers. He discusses how OpenTelemetry can empower Node.js applications by providing easy instrumentation and management of telemetry data. OpenTelemetry simplifies the implementation of observability and is designed to benefit developers.
Beyond the Framework: Distributing Your Desktop App Like a Pro
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
109 min
Beyond the Framework: Distributing Your Desktop App Like a Pro
Jonas Kruckenberg
Jonas Kruckenberg
Building apps using web technology is great; however, at times you may encounter limitations regardless of what framework you choose. During this workshop, we will talk about choosing a framework, common problems and how to overcome them.
Table of contents- Introduction: The intertwined history of the Web and Apps- So many desktop app technologies! How do I choose one?- Common issues and how to think about apps- Conclusion
Tauri Foundations and Futures
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Tauri Foundations and Futures
Tauri is a tool built to improve the JS ecosystem, providing a lightweight alternative to Electron. It integrates the stack, focuses on security, and offers cross-platform compatibility. Security measures include a new iFrame interaction and a thorough audit. The importance of taking care of the planet and reducing app consumption is emphasized. Tauri's community, licensing, and future plans are discussed, as well as the challenges of web view support and the aim to create a consistent engine using Servo.