
Cypress is an open-source testing framework specifically designed for testing modern JavaScript applications. It allows you to write end-to-end tests that are fast, easy to maintain, and reliable. Cypress provides a powerful yet simple API for writing integration tests as well as unit tests. It also supports mocking of requests, automatic waiting for elements to appear on the page, and other features that make it easier to test your application.
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
The Talk discusses the importance of learning from the past in software testing and troubleshooting test flakiness. It highlights the challenges of using memory and communication to gather information. The introduction of Replay.io, a time-traveling debugger, is proposed as a solution. The benefits of using Replay Chromium for recording and debugging, as well as the features of the Replay debugger, are emphasized. The Talk also addresses the relationship between test flakiness and app flakiness, and the significance of simulating real-world scenarios in testing.
Tiny Tests, Large Results
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Tiny Tests, Large Results
Automated atomic tests are a great way to improve UI tests by making them less brittle and faster. The tests focus on testing a single feature or component and have minimal UI interactions. The Talk explores examples of automated atomic tests and their implementation on web applications. It also discusses the analysis of atomic tests, login tests, and working with JSON Web Tokens for authentication and authorization. The Talk concludes by highlighting the use of UI and web requests in automated atomic testing.
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
27 min
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
Top Content
Cypress is a powerful tool for end-to-end testing and API testing. It provides instant feedback on test errors and allows tests to be run inside the browser. Cypress enables testing at both the application and network layers, making it easier to reach different edge cases. With features like AppActions and component testing, Cypress allows for comprehensive testing of individual components and the entire application. Join the workshops to learn more about full circle testing with Cypress.
Network Requests with Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
33 min
Network Requests with Cypress
Top Content
Cecilia Martinez, a technical account manager at Cypress, discusses network requests in Cypress and demonstrates commands like cydot request and SCI.INTERCEPT. She also explains dynamic matching and aliasing, network stubbing, and the pros and cons of using real server responses versus stubbing. The talk covers logging request responses, testing front-end and backend API, handling list length and DOM traversal, lazy loading, and provides resources for beginners to learn Cypress.
Best Practices for Writing and Debugging Cypress Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
148 min
Best Practices for Writing and Debugging Cypress Tests
Filip Hric
Filip Hric
You probably know the story. You’ve created a couple of tests, and since you are using Cypress, you’ve done this pretty quickly. Seems like nothing is stopping you, but then – failed test. It wasn’t the app, wasn’t an error, the test was… flaky? Well yes. Test design is important no matter what tool you will use, Cypress included. The good news is that Cypress has a couple of tools behind its belt that can help you out. Join me on my workshop, where I’ll guide you away from the valley of anti-patterns into the fields of evergreen, stable tests. We’ll talk about common mistakes when writing your test as well as debug and unveil underlying problems. All with the goal of avoiding flakiness, and designing stable test.
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing multiple services in a microservices architecture and introduces the use of Cypress and Pact to address these challenges. It explains how to use Cypress to write a contract and generate and share it with the provider. The verification process and CI workflow for the consumer and provider are also discussed. The Talk emphasizes the importance of contract testing to ensure seamless communication between microservices.
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
25 min
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
Watch video: Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
The Talk discusses the differences between Cypress component testing and React Testing Library (RTL). It highlights the benefits of using Cypress Component Testing, such as easier handling of complex components and a more stable testing experience in CI. The comparison between SignOn and Jest focuses on low-level spying and mocking capabilities. The comparison between Cypress Intercept and Mock Service Worker (MSW) examines their network spy and mocking capabilities. The Talk also emphasizes the superior developer experience and observability provided by Cypress component testing compared to RTL.
How to Start With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
146 min
How to Start With Cypress
Filip Hric
Filip Hric
The web has evolved. Finally, testing has also. Cypress is a modern testing tool that answers the testing needs of modern web applications. It has been gaining a lot of traction in the last couple of years, gaining worldwide popularity. If you have been waiting to learn Cypress, wait no more! Filip Hric will guide you through the first steps on how to start using Cypress and set up a project on your own. The good news is, learning Cypress is incredibly easy. You'll write your first test in no time, and then you'll discover how to write a full end-to-end test for a modern web application. You'll learn the core concepts like retry-ability. Discover how to work and interact with your application and learn how to combine API and UI tests. Throughout this whole workshop, we will write code and do practical exercises. You will leave with a hands-on experience that you can translate to your own project.
Web Testing Architecture and Refactoring With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
158 min
Web Testing Architecture and Refactoring With Cypress
In this workshop, I will introduce you to the migrator.cypress.io project in an unconventional way, where in addition to going over the Cypress commands equivalent to Protractor (and showing you how Cypress is simpler), I will also introduce you how I tested such a project evolving the automated test scripts on-demand, architecting the test suite in an evolutionary way.
Flaky Test Management with Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
114 min
Flaky Test Management with Cypress
Cecelia Martinez
Cecelia Martinez
This workshop is for Cypress users who want to step up their game against flake in their test suites. Leveraging the Cypress Real World App, we’ll cover the most common causes of flake, code through some examples of how to make tests more flake resistant, and review best practices for detecting and mitigating flake to increase confidence and reliability.

Table of contents:
- Cypress Real World App Overview
- What is Flake?
- Causes of Flake
- Managing Network-related Flake (Activity)
- Managing Dom-relate Flake (Activity)
- Flake Detection and Mitigation Best Practices
- Q&A
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
9 min
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
Top Content
Hello, I'm Rainer Haneckamp, a trainer and consultant at Angular Architects. In this talk, we'll explore visual regression testing using tools like Puppeteer, Playwright, and Cypress. We'll learn how to use Storybook and Puppeteer with Jest for visual regression testing. We'll also see how Jest and Playwright can be used together for visual regression testing. Finally, we'll discover how to use Cypress for visual regression testing. Thank you for watching!
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
React Advanced 2021React Advanced 2021
23 min
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
Welcome to React Advanced London where we'll learn about gaining confidence with Cypress tests. We'll explore browser testing, including tests for specific units of work, business services, APIs, and components using different tools. Cypress provides selectors for easy object selection in tests. We learned how to select objects in our tests and rerun them to check for successes and failures. We also discussed best practices for Cypress tests, including using data-cy elements, commands, mocks, and fixtures.
Testing Web Applications Using Cypress
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
173 min
Testing Web Applications Using Cypress
Top Content
Gleb Bahmutov
Gleb Bahmutov
This workshop will teach you the basics of writing useful end-to-end tests using Cypress Test Runner.
We will cover writing tests, covering every application feature, structuring tests, intercepting network requests, and setting up the backend data.
Anyone who knows JavaScript programming language and has NPM installed would be able to follow along.
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
35 min
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
Gleb Akhmetov explains how to visually test React components, emphasizing the importance of addressing climate change and collaboration. He discusses component testing, styling, and the challenges of CSS changes. Gleb highlights the use of image snapshots for visual testing and the importance of controlling data for accurate results. He also discusses using Docker for consistent visual testing and the support for multiple browsers. Cypress is focused on flake-free testing and has plans for test retries and new features in the roadmap.
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
The Talk discusses common mistakes in Cypress tests, such as accessing the file system directly instead of using the Cypress command, and the importance of writing effective Cypress tests for different scenarios. It also emphasizes the need for adding assertions during navigation and alternating commands and assertions. The Talk highlights the significance of documentation and examples in providing support and addresses the advantages of using the Cypress Node test runner. It concludes with tips on debugging, data tests, and testing user journeys and edge cases.