Model | GPU | MLC LLM (tok/sec) | Exllama (tok/sec) |
Llama2-7B | RTX 3090 Ti | 166.7 | 112.72 |
Llama2-13B | RTX 3090 Ti | 99.2 | 69.31 |
Llama2-7B | RTX 4090 | 191.0 | 152.56 |
Llama2-13B | RTX 4090 | 108.8 | 93.88 |
First of all, NVIDIA Docker is required:
Step 1. Build Docker image
docker build -t llm-perf-mlc:v0.1 -f Dockerfile.cu121.mlc .
Step 2. Quantize and run Llama2. Log in to the docker container we created using the comamnd below:
MODELS=/PATH/TO/MODEL/ # Replace the path to HuggingFace models
docker run \
-d -P \
--gpus all \
-h llm-perf \
--name llm-perf \
-p $PORT:22 \
-v $MODELS:/models \
# Password is: llm_perf
ssh [email protected] -p $PORT
# Inside the container, run the following commands:
micromamba activate python311
python \
--model /models/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \ # Replace it with path to HuggingFace models
--target cuda \
--quantization q4f16_1 \
--artifact-path "./dist" \
--use-cache 0
The quantized and compiled model will be exported to ./dist/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-q4f16_1
Step 3. Run the CLI tool to see the performance numbers:
$MLC_HOME/build/mlc_chat_cli \
--model Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \
--quantization q4f16_1
Only decoding performance is currently benchmarked given prefilling usually takes much shorter time with flash attention.
Currently, MLC LLM number includes a long system prompt, while Exllama numbers are from a fixed-length system prompt of 4 tokens, which is not exactly apple-to-apple comparison. Should get it fixed.