forked from FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-listview . Changed the Empty Text and Load More text to Chinese and ADDED the loadMoreText and emptyText as pros
A ListView with pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps
- Use RefreshControl instead of own implementation for pull-to-refresh (PR @SpaceK33z)
var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;
var GiftedListView = require('react-native-gifted-listview');
var Example = React.createClass({
* Will be called when refreshing
* Should be replaced by your own logic
* @param {number} page Requested page to fetch
* @param {function} callback Should pass the rows
* @param {object} options Inform if first load
_onFetch(page = 1, callback, options) {
setTimeout(() => {
var rows = ['row '+((page - 1) * 3 + 1), 'row '+((page - 1) * 3 + 2), 'row '+((page - 1) * 3 + 3)];
if (page === 3) {
callback(rows, {
allLoaded: true, // the end of the list is reached
} else {
}, 1000); // simulating network fetching
* When a row is touched
* @param {object} rowData Row data
_onPress(rowData) {
console.log(rowData+' pressed');
* Render a row
* @param {object} rowData Row data
_renderRowView(rowData) {
return (
onPress={() => this._onPress(rowData)}
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.navBar} />
firstLoader={true} // display a loader for the first fetching
pagination={true} // enable infinite scrolling using touch to load more
refreshable={true} // enable pull-to-refresh for iOS and touch-to-refresh for Android
withSections={false} // enable sections
paginationView: {
backgroundColor: '#eee',
var styles = {
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#FFF',
navBar: {
height: 64,
backgroundColor: '#CCC'
row: {
padding: 10,
height: 44,
See GiftedListViewExample/example_advanced.js
npm install react-native-gifted-listview --save
- Pull-to-refresh in iOS
- Touch-to-refresh in Android
- Infinite scrolling using touch to load more
- Loader for first display
- Default view when no content to display
- Customizable (see advanced example)
- Support for section header
- Pull-to-refresh in Android
Feel free to ask me questions on Twitter @FaridSafi !