In some regions, we can't get the best access from Cloudflare CDN due to the ISP disturbed. So, this util could find better IPs for you to access Cloudflare CDN with lower legacy and greater speed.
- Our goal is find better IPs to access Cloudflare CDN with lower legacy and greater speed. So we will perform Delay Test (DT) and Download Test (DLT) sequentially for an IP as assessment moves.
- We do DT by SSL/TLS shakhand or HTTPS get with the target IP. If it succeed to perform SSL/TLS or HTTPS get, we take the times escapted as delay. We will try several times to perfrom DT for a single IP and count the success tries. If it's success rate ( equal to "count of success" / "tries" ) is not less than what we expected, and the average delay ( "sum of every delay" / "count of success" ) is not bigger than we expected, it pass the DT.
- If an IP passed DT, then we perform DLT with it. We download some test data with it, caculate the average download speed. If the average speed is not less than we expected, it's a successful DLT. We can perform several DLT sequentially to evaluate download speed accurately.
- If an IP passsed DLT, it's what we need exactly.
Download pre-build binary form release , or build yourself from source code.
$ git clone
$ cd cftestor
$ go build .
$ cftestor
CF CDN IP scanner, find best IPs for your Cloudflare CDN applications.
Version: v2.0.2
BuildOn: 2024-03-22 13:55:58 +0000
BuildTag: release, by zhfreal
BuildFrom: b94f853e38e0136cf97fba0b9b93286ac6e594fe
17:29:45 INFO IP: Speed(KB/s):9955.78 Delay(ms):584 Stab.(%):100.00
17:29:56 INFO IP: Speed(KB/s):14214.61 Delay(ms):297 Stab.(%):100.00
> Speed(KB/s): Download speed in KB/s
> Delay(ms): Average delay for DT in ms
> Stab.(%): DT pass rate(%)
$ cftestor -k 200 -l 10000
$ cftestor -k 200 --dt-only -r 20
$ ./cftestor -h
CF CDN IP scanner, find best IPs for your Cloudflare CDN applications.
Version: v2.0.2
BuildOn: 2024-03-22 13:55:58 +0000
BuildTag: release, by zhfreal
BuildFrom: b94f853e38e0136cf97fba0b9b93286ac6e594fe
Usage: cftestor [options]
-s, --ip string Specify IP, CIDR, or host for test. E.g.: "-s", "-s",
"-s", "-s".
-i, --in string Specify file for test, which contains multiple lines. Each line
represent one IP, CIDR, host.
-p, --port int Port to test, could be specific one or more ports at same time,
The port should be working via SSL/TLS/HTTPS protocol, default 443.
-m, --dt-thread int Number of concurrent threads for Delay Test(DT). How many IPs can
be perform DT at the same time. Default 20 threads.
-t, --dt-timeout int Timeout for single DT, unit ms, default 1000ms. A single SSL/TLS
or HTTPS request and response should be finished before timeout.
It should not be less than "-k|--evaluate-dt-delay", It should be
longer when we perform https connections test by "-dt-via-https"
than when we perform SSL/TLS test by default.
-c, --dt-count int Tries of DT for a IP, default 4.
--hostname string Hostname for DT test. It's valid when "--dt-only" is no and "--dt-via https"
is not provided.
--dt-via https|tls|ssl DT via https or SSL/TLS shaking hands, "--dt-via <https|tls|ssl>"
default https.
--dt-url string Specify test URL for DT.
--ev-dt Evaluate DT, we'll try "-c|--dt-count <value>" to evaluate delay;
if we don't turn this on, we'll stop DT after we got the first
successfull DT; if we turn this on, we'll evaluate the test result
through average delay of singe DT and statistic of all successfull
DT by these two thresholds "-k|--evaluate-dt-delay <value>" and
"-S|--evaluate-dt-dtpr <value>", default turn off.
-k, --ev-dt-delay int single DT's delay should not bigger than this, unit ms, default 600ms.
-S, --ev-dt-dtpr float The DT pass rate should not lower than this, default 100, means 100%, all
DT must be below "-k|--evaluate-dt-delay <value>".
-n, --dlt-thread int Number of concurrent Threads for Download Test(DLT), default 1.
How many IPs can be perform DLT at the same time.
-d, --dlt-period int The total times escaped for single DLT, default 10s.
-b, --dlt-count int Tries of DLT for a IP, default 1.
-u, --dlt-url string Specify test URL for DLT.
--dlt-timeout int Specify the timeout for http response when do DLT. In ms, default as 5000 ms.
-I --interval int Interval between two tests, unit ms, default 500ms.
-l, --speed float Download speed filter, Unit KB/s, default 6000KB/s. After DLT, it's
qualified when its speed is not lower than this value.
-r, --result int The total IPs qualified limitation, default 10. The Process will stop
after it got equal or more than this indicated. It would be invalid if
"--test-all" was set.
--dt-only Do DT only, we do DT & DLT at the same time by default.
--dlt-only Do DLT only, we do DT & DLT at the same time by default.
--fast Fast mode, use inner IPs for fast detection. Just when neither "-s/--ip"
nor "-i/--in" is provided, and this flag is provided. It will be working
Disabled by default.
-4, --ipv4 Just test IPv4. When we don't specify IPs to test by "-s" or "-i",
then it will do IPv4 test from build-in IPs from CloudFlare by default.
-6, --ipv6 Just test IPv6. When we don't specify IPs to test by "-s" or "-i",
then it will do IPv6 test from build-in IPs from CloudFlare by using
this flag.
--hello-firefox Work as firefox to perform tls/https
--hello-chrome Work as Chrome to perform tls/https
--hello-edge Work as Microsoft Edge to perform tls/https
--hello-safari Work as safari to perform tls/https
-a --test-all Test all IPs until no more IP left. It's disabled by default.
-w, --to-file Write result to csv file, disabled by default. If it is provided and
"-o|--result-file <value>" is not provided, the result file will be named
as "Result_<YYYYMMDDHHMISS>-<HOSTNAME>.csv" and be stored in current DIR.
-o, --outfile string File name of result. If it don't provided and "-w|--store-to-file"
is provided, the result file will be named as
"Result_<YYYYMMDDHHMISS>-<HOSTNAME>.csv" and be stored in current DIR.
-e, --to-db Write result to sqlite3 db file, disabled by default. If it's provided
and "-f|--db-file" is not provided, it will be named "ip.db" and
store in current directory.
-f, --dbfile string Sqlite3 db file name. If it's not provided and "-e|--store-to-db" is
provided, it will be named "ip.db" and store in current directory.
-g, --label string the label for a part of the result file's name and sqlite3 record. It's
hostname from "--hostname" or "-u|--url" by default.
-V, --debug Print debug message.
--tcell Use tcell to display the running procedure when in debug mode.
Turn this on will activate "--debug".
-v, --version Show version.
pflag: help requested
TestTime datetime when the test happened
ASN int ASN of your local network
CITY text city of your local network
LOC text location of IP
IP text valid IP with port for CloudFare CDN access
LABEL text label or tag or anything you want
DTS text the method for DT (SSL or HTTPS)
DTC int tries for DT
DTPC int success count of DT
DTPR float success rate of DT
DA float average delay of DT
DMI float minimal delay of DT
DMX float maximum delay of DT
DLTC int tries for DLT
DLTPC int success count of DLT
DLTPR float success rate of DLT
DLSA float average download speed (KB/s)
DLDS int total bytes downloaded
DLTD float total times escapted during download (in second)