react-spring target for Tencent/Hippy
Modified from react spring offical demo with some necessary modification to make it works in hippy:
origin demo(web):
- 安装
npm install react-spring-hippy -D
- 参考 react-spring 文档了解使用方式。
hippy 支持转 web,并且对我们这里主要用到的 setNativeProps api 做了封装。因此我们写的动画也可以正常运行在 web 页面中。
但要注意只支持 View/Image/Text 这三个 hippy 组件,普通 hippy 项目中如果直接写 div/input 等 html element,也能正常运行。但 react-spring-hippy 不直接支持这些 html element。
另外需要了解的是,react-spring 官方支持 web 平台(@react-spring/web
)。如果 hippy 项目不需要支持 native 平台,完全可以直接用 @react-spring/web
import { TouchableEvent, View } from '@hippy/react'
import React, { useMemo, useRef } from 'react'
import { animated, useSprings } from 'react-spring-hippy'
// 卡片封面
const cards = [
// 用于生成每张卡片,初始飞入动画的终点
const to = (i: number) => ({
x: (750 - 250) / 2,
y: i * -4 + 600,
scale: 1,
rotX: `25deg`,
rotZ: `${-10 + Math.random() * 20}deg`,
delay: i * 100,
shadow: 0.1,
function Deck() {
const [props, api] = useSprings(cards.length, (i) => ({,
// 初始飞入动画的起点
from: {
x: (750 - 250) / 2,
rotX: `25deg`,
rotZ: '0deg',
scale: 1.5,
y: -1000,
shadow: 0.1,
// 用于记录 TouchDown 时的坐标,辅助实现左右滑动卡片
const xRef = useRef(0)
// 当前是否正在触摸中
const downRef = useRef(false)
// 记录划走了几张卡片
const gone = useMemo(() => new Set(), [])
// 触摸事件中更新动画的逻辑
const update = (index, mx, down) => {
api.start((i) => {
if (index !== i) return
const x = (750 - 250) / 2 + mx
const rotZ = `${(x - (750 - 250) / 2) / 70}deg`
return {
// react-spring 可以插值字符串
rotX: down ? '0deg' : '25deg',
scale: down ? 1.1 : 1,
delay: undefined,
config: { friction: 50, tension: down ? 800 : 500 },
shadow: down ? 0.4 : 0.1,
const handleTouchDown = (index: number, e: TouchableEvent<'onTouchDown'>) => {
xRef.current = e.page_x
downRef.current = true
update(index, 0, true)
return false
// 飞走的逻辑
const flyout = (index, dir) => {
api.start((i) => {
if (index !== i) return
return {
x: (750 + 100) * dir,
rotZ: `${dir * 45}deg`,
scale: 0.7,
shadow: 0.1,
if (gone.size === cards.length)
setTimeout(() => {
api.start((i) => to(i))
}, 300)
const handleTouchMove = (index: number, e: TouchableEvent<'onTouchMove'>) => {
const mx = e.page_x - xRef.current
const down = downRef.current
// 触摸移动中不断更新动画
update(index, mx, down)
return false
const handleTouchEnd = (index: number, e: TouchableEvent<'onTouchEnd'>) => {
const mx = e.page_x - xRef.current
xRef.current = 0
downRef.current = false
if (Math.abs(mx) > 160) {
flyout(index, mx > 0 ? 1 : -1)
} else {
update(index, 0, false)
return false
return (
{{ x, y, rotX, rotZ, scale, shadow }, i) => (
position: 'absolute',
width: 250,
height: 440,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
flex: 1,
top: y,
left: x,
} as any
onTouchDown={(e) => handleTouchDown(i, e)}
onTouchMove={(e) => handleTouchMove(i, e)}
onTouchEnd={(e) => handleTouchEnd(i, e)}
backgroundColor: 'white',
width: 250,
height: 440,
transform: [{ rotateX: rotX, rotateZ: rotZ }, { scale }],
boxShadowOpacity: shadow,
boxShadowRadius: 32,
boxShadowOffsetY: 10,
boxShadowColor: '#000000',
} as any // 刚刚跑通还有不少地方可以完善
source={{ uri: cards[i]! }}
width: 250,
height: 440,
export default function App() {
return (
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
<Deck />
上架内部 hippy 组件市场需要提供工蜂仓库,一个简单的同步方案:
# 1. 在 clone github 仓库后,应该有一个 origin remote
git remote
# origin
# 2. 给 origin remote 配置多个 push urls
git remote set-url --push --add origin https://[email protected]/zcfan/react-spring-hippy.git
git remote set-url --push --add origin <对应的工蜂仓库 git repo 地址>
# 3. 检查配置是否正确
git remote show origin
# * remote origin
# Fetch URL: https://[email protected]/zcfan/react-spring-hippy.git
# Push URL: <对应的工蜂仓库 git repo 地址>
# Push URL: https://[email protected]/zcfan/react-spring-hippy.git
# 4. 修改后正常 push 即可