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Toy Node.js/Typescript REST API

The technologies I used are Typescript, Express as the main framework for the server. PostgreSQL for the DB and TypeORM to query and model the DB. And Jest for testing.


See below for running with Docker

For this application to work, Node and PostgreSQL are needed. You'll need to create a database named ts-node-zant and ts-node-zant-test for the test suites.

Then run:

  npm install

For a production environment you'll want:

  npm run start

For development:

  npm run dev

If it's the first time running the app, you'll need to seed the DB with the acronyms. Run either of the two depending on your environment:

  npm run dev:seed
  npm run prod:seed


Run with

  npm run test

Tests for each item of the requirement list is written below. There is a test for each of the subitems in the test file if not stated otherwise.

  • GET /acronym?from=50&limit=10&search=:search
    • /tests/getAcronyn.test.ts
  • GET /acronym/:acronym
    • tests/getAcronym
  • GET /random/:count?
    • tests/random
  • POST /acronym
    • tests/postAcronym.test.ts
  • PUT /acronym/:acronym
    • tests/putAcronym.test.ts
    • uses an authorization header: tests/authentication.test.ts
  • DELETE /acronym/:acronym
    • tests.deleteAcronym.test.ts
    • uses an authorization header: tests/authentication.test.ts

Running with docker

This are the commands to run with docker and docker-compose:

  docker build --tag ts-node-zant .
  docker-compose up

If it's your first time running the app, you'll need to seed the DB.

  docker-compose exec web npm run docker:seed


There's an issue when docker-compose up is first ran, that appears to be related to the DB not beign ready yet and the server starting already. If the app does not work correctly on the first run, please stop the container and run again, it should work nicely.

Example cURL requests

For posting:

 curl -d '{"acronym":"YOLO", "meaning":"You Only Live Once"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:4000/acronym

Not authorized deleting:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4000/acronym/TTYL


 curl -d '{"email":"[email protected]", "password":"pass1234"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:4000/user/login

Authorized deleting:

 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -X DELETE http://localhost:4000/acronym/10X


Toy REST API caring for best practices







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