# 💫 About Me: 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on exciting projects.
💬 Ask me about Python, Ruby and javascript
Inkwell Blog Api is a RESTful API that can be used as a backend for an blog application. It allows users to perform all CRUD operations. Requests are authenticated with JWT tokens.
Ruby 1
Forked from iamchristianani/drivewise-backend
DriveWise is a web application that allows users to book test-drives from car dealers.The aime was to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for car enthusiasts who are looking to make inf…
JavaScript 1
RESTful API for a Task management application. Uses JWTs to secure the endpoints. Allows the user to create, read, update and delete the tasks
Forked from udacity/cd0037-API-Development-and-Documentation-project
Trivia Api - this is a traditional trivia game. One gets to choose a topic and questions are displayed waiting to be answered.
JavaScript 7
web application that allows users to scan and store their driver's license information. The application will use OCR to extract the information from the driver's license and display it. The applica…