Mostly a wrapper around playerctl, with a few extra features 😉
Clone this repository and add it in your PATH
git clone
cd spotifyc
export PATH="$PATH:$PWD"
echo export PATH='$PATH':"$PWD" >> ~/.[z/ba/*]shrc && source ~/.[z/ba/*]shrc
Alternatively, you can place both the executables in some directory which is in PATH
Basic track control:
spotifyc [-c|-p|-n|-r|-s]
-c: toggle play/pause state -p: previous track -n: next track -r: play [why r?! resume] -s: pause [why s?! stop]
Control spotify's volume:
spotifyc -v [m|u|t|abs|+-rel]
m: mute u: unmute t: toggle mute state abs: set spotify's volume to abs +/-rel: adjust spotify's volume by rel
Get formatted output for status bars like polybar, i3blocks, etc (basically any status bar which allows you to run a script)
spotifyc -f '<format>' -i '<playing>' '<paused>' -o
-f '<format>': specify the format of output [see formatting options below] -i '<playing>' '<paused>': specify the icons to be displayed when song is playing or is paused repectively -o: prints the output in the specified format [defaults to '{{ artist }}: {{ title }}']
Example polybar config:
[module/spotify] type = custom/script format-underline = #2aa198 interval = 1 exec = spotifyc -f "{{ icon }} {{ artist }}: {{ title }}" -i "" "" -o exec-if = pgrep -x spotify label = %output:0:37:...% format = %{A1:spotifyc -p:}%{A} <label> %{A1:spotifyc -n:}%{A} click-left = spotifyc -c click-right = spotifyc -v t ; adjust this if you have enabled natural scrolling scroll-up = spotifyc -v '+5' scroll-down = spotifyc -v '-5'
Mute ads on spotify and play some other song stored locally.
spotifyc -m '<alt_music_dir>'
-m: mutes ads on spotify if provided, a random song present in 'alt_music_dir' will be played, and then spotify will resume again
Make sure only one instance is running at a time [you don't want 2 different songs playing whenever an ad comes]
Make sure you have nothing other than songs in 'alt_music_dir' [since vlc can play so many formats, having a check in code didn't make sense]
If you have songs shorter in length than the advertisement, you unfortunately will have to listen to the ad, and maybe resume spotify again.
If you simply run this command, it will block your shell. Add an
at the end to run this in background. Ideally place this in some file while which runs when you log in [not.bashrc
]. In the standard case,~/.profile
should work.Spotify ads which complain about how ads on Spotify are bad and irritating
This uses playerctl to display metadata. So, it supports all options which playerctl does.
Check man playerctl
to see all options and modifiers.
Other than that, it also uses '{{ icon }}' which is used to display the icons specified by -i|--icons
Spotify (obviously)
Note that you don't need the gtk3 package. I recommend installing from PyPI with pip.
I recommend using google first to check if you can install it using your package manager before trying to build it
vlc bindings for python3
pip3 install python-vlc
If for some reason this isn't working, please run as follows:
SPOTIFYC_DEBUG=1 spotifyc -m "<alt_music_dir>"
This will print data on the screen which will help find the problem
Please create issues on GitHub
This project was created just for fun. If you really like Spotify and hate ads, consider paying for the premium account.