An unofficial Vue 3 implementation of the Bulma CSS framework.
The principles behind this project:
- Modularity
- Leveraging of typescript functionality
- Usage of slots instead of child components
- Bulma style modifier props
- Props add functionality
- Passing of native bulma classes is preferred above custom props
Bulmalite >= 1.0 is only compatible with Bulma 1.0 and up.
These comparisons demonstrate some of the effects the principles outlined above.
<b-icon pack="fas" icon="user" size="is-small"></b-icon>
<bl-icon class="is-small" icon="fas fa-user"></bl-icon>
is used to pass the native .is-small
to the icon. The icon itself can be specified in a single prop.
<b-modal :active.sync="isModalActive" :canCancel="false"></b-modal>
<bl-modal v-model="isModalActive"></bl-modal>
Two-way binding with bulmalite components uses v-model
by default. There is no need to disable modal close behavior options, props can only add functionality.
For example:
<bl-modal v-model="isModalActive" has-modal-close has-background-close></bl-modal>
Props use a bulma-like syntax.
npm install bulmalite
Register all components as a plugin
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import bulmalite from 'bulmalite';
// Create a Vue 3 app the normal way
const myApp = createApp(App);
// Register bulmalite
Default component names are prefixed with 'bl-'
You can also include individual components from the dist directory
import BlDropdown from 'bulmalite/dist/components/dropdown/Dropdown.vue';
// Add the bulmalite component to the vue component options
export default {
components: {
Bulmalite assumes your dev environment is set up to support .scss files
You can import all stylesheets directly in Javascript or Sass-files
import 'node_modules/bulmalite/sass/bulmalite.scss';
@import 'node_modules/bulmalite/sass/bulmalite';
Or load individual styles
import 'node_modules/bulmalite/sass/components/dropdown.scss';
@import 'node_modules/bulmalite/sass/components/dropdown';
Documentation is under development in the /docs/
Bulmalite is developed using typescript. View models use the composition API and are contained in a seperate .ts file.
Compile the typescript files with either tsc -d
. To transfer the .vue template files from /src to /lib you can use the included script by running npm run collect
. npm run build
takes care of both steps.