There is 3 directory
- backend : As the name suggest it contains backend portion of the app I have used Spring with maven and mongodb in local.So make sure you have mongodb and sping installed in local . If your mongo is cloud hosted updte the as such.Open in your favorite ide and run from there.I have used Intellij idea communtiy for this
- frontend: As the name suggests this is the frontend folder. open this in terminal then do
npm i
npm run dev
I have used react with vite , typescript and tailwind a simple setup nothing does the work.
- images: here I am serving the static files.So, i am using this as a server for my stored image file.Also I am actually writing the images on the disk.I have used http-server for this in terminal then do
npm i
npm run dev
Boom it works - here check this link for demo vide it's on linkedin
Please feel free to inform if you've any suggestions.Also, if there's any exciting project, we can collab I am always happy to help. ✌️✌️