GenewParse –
Version 1.7
Parser of tables of ancestors of GeneWeb to a CSV file.
- 0.8 – 28/05/18: Early debug.
- 0.9 – 28/05/18: First CSV output.
- 1.0 – 29/05/18: Formalisation, constants, dates bugfix, first versioned release.
- 1.1 – 29/05/18: Multiple verbose, date precision handling improvement.
- 1.2 – 29/05/18: Return back to initial CSV format, French Revolutionary Calendar dates handling, add precision on year, uppercase ; diacritics handling.
- 1.3 – 30/05/18: Change Switch module to given - switch limit - help page - debug dates & accents, fix logic for capitalisation - Unicode normalisation on split/combined mode.
- 1.4 – 30/05/18: Tree display.
- 1.5 – 31/05/18: Input/output files + cURL handling.
- 1.6 – 07/06/18: Add case normalisation switch and fix bugs on surnames with dashes, add implexes.
- 1.7 – 07/06/18: Add title and ignore title switch.
- 1.8 : 07/07/18 : Add lots of forbidden chars in diacritic list to be removed, fix multiple weddings, detect thousand separators for french language
- 1.9 : 07/07/18 : Add mark all individual as dead option, add entities switch
Text::Unidecode qw(unidecode);
HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities);
Install them with:
cpan -i Text::Unidecode qw(unidecode) HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities) Unicode::Normalize
The goal of this parser is to fetch a cURL result on URL of any GeneWeb version prior to 7.0, and transform it in CSV with normalisation ability.
All surnames are set-up with the normalisation options you gave, the French Republican dates are transformed, and some housekeeping is done. [-v <LEVEL>] [-s <SOSA>] [-t <LEVEL>] [-T] [-N] [-i <INPUT> [-u <URL>] ] [-o <OUTPUT>] [-d] [-e] [-h|-?]
-v <LEVEL> : With <LEVEL> value between 0 (quiet) and 6 (xtra trace).
-s <SOSA> : Only process given Sosa number <SOSA>.
-N : Disable case normalisation.
-T : Disable title catching.
-t <LEVEL> : Tree format display, by surname branches, with <LEVEL> as max depth.
-i <INPUT> : Input file. If this flag is omitted, the parser will use STDIN.
-u <URL> : URL to fetch and save to INPUT file, before processing this file. -i is mandatory, the file will be replaced.
-o <OUTPUT> : Output file. If omitted, will use STDOUT.
-d : Mark all individual as dead
-e : Convert fields using urlencode and entities
Be careful. The order of the switches is important, and cURL on <URL> is done immediately, before looking up at the other switches.
Verbose levels:
- XTRACE => 6,
- TRACE => 5,
- DEBUG => 4,
- INFO => 3,
- WARN => 2,
- ERR => 1,
- CRIT => 0