Program contains all source code for the scanner, parser, codGen, and virtual machine.
The program must have a text file with the PL\0 source code at the same directory as this file, the source file must be named “sourceCode.txt”.
To compile:
gcc compiler.c
To run:
To view the compile process:
- “-l” flag will display the lexical scanner output and symbol rep
- “-a” flag will display the machine code generated from lexemes
- “-v” flag will display the stack trace of the VM
Note: These flags may be in any order
The program will generate and read necessary files at each step. The only file it needs is the source code file.
Note: The VM output value will always be in register 0, thus any value left in register[0] will be outputted.
The program will also generate a traceFile.txt that displays all the work at any step regardless of the (-l, -a, -v) flags.