Rust library to create guitar chord diagrams in SVG format.
Use it online at
cargo run -- --help
Creates guitar chord diagrams
Usage: chord_cli [OPTIONS]
-f, --frets <FRETS> Notes to fret, 6 comma-separated values. 0 for open string, -1 to skip a string.
-p, --fingers <FINGERS> Suggested fingering, 6 comma-separated values. 0 for open string, x to skip a string.
-t, --title <TITLE> Name of chord. Optional.
-s, --suffix <SUFFIX> Chord suffix to use in title. Optional.
-d, --hand <HANDEDNESS> Left or right handedness. `left` or `right`. Optional, defaults to right.
-r, --barres <BARRES> Frets which should be barred. Comma-separated string. Optional.
-m, --mode <MODE> Light or dark mode `light` or `dark`. Optional, defaults to light.
-b, --background Add a background to image. Optional.
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
This crate contains a library and a command line binary.
Run the cli binary by installing: cargo install chord-cli
or running locally.
cargo run -- -f "x,9,8,9,9,9" -p "x,2,1,3,3,3" -t "B" -s "9" -r 9
cargo run -- -f "x,6,5,6,x,x" -p "x,2,1,3,x,x" -t "E♭" -s "7" -b
cargo run -- -f "x,6,5,6,x,x" -p "x,2,1,3,x,x" -t "E♭" -s "7" -b -m "dark"
cargo run -- -f "x,0,2,2,2,0" -p "x,0,2,1,3,0" -t "A" -d "left"
cargo run -- -f "x,7,6,7,8,x" -p "x,2,1,3,4,x" -t "Hendrix" -d "left"