Wellington adds spriting to the lightning fast libsass. No need to learn a new tool, this all happens right in your Sass!
Binaries are provided for Linux and OS X. Building from source will work on any os libSass supports. Windows support has been dropped due to Issue #160
See the Grunt example See the Gulp Example
# 40,000 line of code Sass project with 1200 images
wt 3.679s
compass 73.800s
# 20x faster!
For more benchmarks, see realbench
wt is a Sass preprocessor tool geared towards projects written in Sass. It focuses on tasks that make working on a Sass site friendlier and much faster. wt extends the Sass language to include spriting and image operations not currently possible in the core language.
$images: sprite-map("sprites/*.png");
div {
width: image-width(sprite-file($images, "cat"));
height: image-height(sprite-file($images, "cat"));
background: sprite($images, "cat");
The output CSS
div {
width: 140px;
height: 79px;
background: url("genimg/sprites-wehqi.png") 0px 0px;
$ wt -h
wt is a Sass project tool made to handle large projects. It uses the libSass compiler for efficiency and speed.
wt [flags]
wt [command]
Available Commands:
serve Starts a http server that will convert Sass to CSS
compile Compile Sass stylesheets to CSS
watch Watch Sass files for changes and rebuild CSS
-b, --build="": Path to target directory to place generated CSS, relative paths inside project directory are preserved
--comment[=true]: Turn on source comments
-c, --config="": Temporarily disabled: Location of the config file
--cpuprofile="": Go runtime cpu profilling for debugging
--css-dir="": Compass backwards compat, does nothing. Reference locations relative to Sass project directory
--debug[=false]: Show detailed debug information
-d, --dir="": Path to locate images for spriting and image functions
--font=".": Path to directory containing fonts
--gen=".": Path to place generated images
--images-dir="": Compass backwards compat, use -d instead
--javascripts-dir="": Compass backwards compat, ignored
--no-line-comments[=false]: UNSUPPORTED: Disable line comments
-p, --proj="": Path to directory containing Sass stylesheets
--relative-assets[=false]: UNSUPPORTED: Make compass asset helpers generate relative urls to assets.
--sass-dir="": Compass backwards compat, use -p instead
-s, --style="nested": nested style of output CSS
available options: nested, expanded, compact, compressed
--time[=false]: Retrieve timing information
-v, --version[=false]: Show the app version
Use "wt [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can try out Wellington on Codepen, fork the Wellington Playground! This live example has images you can use, or you can bring your Sass.
There are many examples on Codepen just see the Wellington collection
Wellington can be installed via brew
brew install wellington
wt -h
Install Go and add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH. Detailed instructions. Wellington requires Go 1.3.1+.
go get -u github.com/wellington/wellington/wt
# You should now have wt in your path
wt -h
Or, use wellington from a docker container
docker run -v $(pwd):/data -it drewwells/wellington wt compile proj.scss
Sass is a fantastic language. It adds a lot of power to standard CSS. If only our clients were happy with the functionality that Sass provided. For the life of Sass, there has been only one tool that attempted to extend Sass for everything that's needed to build a site. While Ruby is great for development, it does have some drawbacks. As our Sass powered website grew, Compass and Ruby Sass started to become a real drag on build times and development happiness. A typical build including transpiling Sass to CSS, RequireJS JavaScript, and minfication of CSS, JS, and images would spend half the time processing the Sass.
There had to be a better way. Libsass was starting to gain some traction, but it didn't do everything we needed. So I wrote Wellington to be a drop in replacement for the spriting functions familar to those used to Compass. This makes it super simple to swap out Compass with Wellington in your Sass projects.
make test
make profile
Set your fork as the origin.
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/wellington/wellington
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:username/wellington.git
Build a Docker Container. The wt container is 33.6 MB in size, but builds in a much larger container 844.7 MB.
make build
make docker #launch a container
Please use pull requests for contributing code. CircleCI will automatically test and lint your contributions. Thanks for helping!
Ask questions in the QA forum on Google Group
Wellington is licensed under MIT.