Motan is a cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services.
This project is the golang Motan implementation. Provides golang motan server, motan client and motan agent. motan agent is designed to support bio-proxy for any other language such as PHP, Python by motan2 protocol.
- Interactive with mulit language through motan2 protocol,such as Java, PHP.
- Provides cluster support and integrate with popular service discovery services like Consul or Zookeeper.
- Supports advanced scheduling features like weighted load-balance, scheduling cross IDCs, etc.
- Optimization for high load scenarios, provides high availability in production environment.
- Supports both synchronous and asynchronous calls.
go get -u -v
The quick start gives very basic example of running client and server on the same machine. For the detailed information about using and developing Motan, please jump to Documents. the demo case is in the main/ directory
- Create serverdemo.yaml to config service
#config of registries
direct-registry: # registry id
protocol: direct # registry type
#conf of services
path: # e.g. service name for register
group: motan-demo-rpc
protocol: motan2
registry: direct-registry
serialization: simple
ref : "main.MotanDemoService"
export: "motan2:8100"
- Write an implementation, create and start RPC Server.
package main
import (
motan ""
func main() {
func runServerDemo() {
mscontext := motan.GetMotanServerContext("serverdemo.yaml") //get config by filename
mscontext.RegisterService(&MotanDemoService{}, "") // registry implement
mscontext.Start(nil) // start server
time.Sleep(time.Second * 50000000)
// service implement
type MotanDemoService struct{}
func (m *MotanDemoService) Hello(name string) string {
fmt.Printf("MotanDemoService hello:%s\n", name)
return "hello " + name
- Create clientdemo.yaml to config service for subscribe
#config of registries
direct-registry: # registry id
protocol: direct # registry type.
port: 9981
#conf of refers
path: # e.g. service name for subscribe
group: motan-demo-rpc # group name
protocol: motan2 # rpc protocol
registry: direct-registry
requestTimeout: 1000
serialization: simple
haStrategy: failover
loadbalance: roundrobin
- Start call
package main
import (
motan ""
motancore ""
func main() {
func runClientDemo() {
mccontext := motan.GetClientContext("clientdemo.yaml")
mclient := mccontext.GetClient("mytest-motan2")
var reply string
err := mclient.Call("hello", []interface{}{"Ray"}, &reply) // sync call
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("motan call fail! err:%v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("motan call success! reply:%s\n", reply)
// async call
result := mclient.Go("hello", []interface{}{"Ray"}, &reply, make(chan *motancore.AsyncResult, 1))
res := <-result.Done
if res.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf("motan async call fail! err:%v\n", res.Error)
} else {
fmt.Printf("motan async call success! reply:%+v\n", reply)
agent is not necessary for golang. it designed for interpreted languages such as PHP to support service governance
- Create clientdemo.yaml to config service for subscribe or register
#config fo agent
port: 9981 # agent serve port.
mport: 8002 # agent manage port
#config of registries
direct-registry: # registry id
protocol: direct # registry type. will get instance from extFactory.
host: # direct server ip.
port: 8100 #direct server port
#conf of refers
path: # e.g. service name for subscribe
group: motan-demo-rpc
protocol: motan2
registry: direct-registry
serialization: simple
- Start Agent
package main
import motan ""
func main() {
func runAgentDemo() {
agent := motan.NewAgent(nil)
agent.ConfigFile = "./agentdemo.yaml"
- Ray(@rayzhang0603)
- 周晶(@idevz)
- xiaohutuer(@xiaohutuer)
- Arthur Guo(@jealone)
- huzhongx(@huzhongx)
- dingzk(@dingzk)
- lion2luo(@lion2luo)
- Zha(@Zha-Zha)
- 李枨煊(@flyhope)
Motan is released under the Apache License 2.0.