we use asy to draw figures without text we use metapost to draw figures with text in document
- use asy+context to draw text is too pain
- the clip fuction provided by metapost is too simple
- metaobj can't work because of two runs schem. the workaround is pain. please reference https://wiki.contextgarden.net/MetaObj_and_Labels. I use smetaobj which is based on original metaobj.
- we can't use \processcommalist or \dorecurse between combination, the workaround is extend it using lua code. but you should take care of the 'comma'.
- when placefigure, always/here/auto may result in corrupt view, or some figure missed if expected located on the bottom of page without enough space. so only use force in this project.
- externalfigure, the path is set by setupexternalfigures, context arguments --path not work.