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Valtteri Koskivuori edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

Just get in touch!

There is a very good chance you know way more than I do. Please, shoot me an email at vkoskiv at g m a i l dotcom

Or submit an issue detailing your proposal. I'm more than happy to accept contributions to this project!

Just a few things to keep in mind before you contribute:

  • Please respect the existing coding style and conventions, and avoid deviating from them.
  • Ask before adding additional libraries/dependencies. I'm trying to keep this pretty lean in that regard
  • Try and divide your contributions into discrete commits that each roughly perform one complete task/change.

You can see most of what you need to know by reading the code, but here's a synopsis. Code should be:

  • Tab-indented
  • Opening braces ({) open on the same line, not the next.
  • function and variable names are snake_case (Used to be camelCase, transitioning towards snake_case)
  • Function and type names should be descriptive first, even if that comes at the cost of some extra typing. I.e. struct vector, not vec3. See this for why.
  • Avoid obtuse one-liners in favour of clear, descriptive code. Simple ternary operations don't count, but don't nest them too much.
  • Comments should usually explain the "why", not the "how". Exceptions should be made for math-heavy code where it may not be immediately obvious what the equation is supposed to be without operator overloading.
  • pointer star hugs the variable name, i.e. char *foo, not char* foo
  • For everything else, see the existing code for reference.

You can also directly ping me on my discord vkoskiv#3100

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