C interpreter that interprets itself.
gcc -o minic minic.c
./minic hello.c
./minic -s hello.c
./minic minic.c hello.c
./minic minic.c minic.c hello.c
- Harvard CS 153 2018: Compilers
- Harvard CS 153 2019: Compilers
- UC Berkeley CS 164: Programming Languages and Compilers - ChocoPy
- CMU 15-411/611: Compiler Design
- MIT 6.035: Computer Language Engineering
- Stanford CS 143: Compilers
- edX Stanford Online: Compilers
- Udacity by Georgia Tech: CS8803 Compilers - Theory and Practice
- List of compiler books
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
- Modern Compiler Implementation in C
- Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
- Engineering: A Compiler
- Automata Theory Book
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
- An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
- C/C++
- C Primer Plus
- The C Programming Language
- C++ Primer Plus
- C++ Primer
- The C++ Programming Language
- Inside the C++ Object Model
- Modern C++ Design
- Effective C++ Digital Collection: 140 Ways to Improve Your Programming
- Static Program Analysis
- C4
- 8CC
- Lua
- CoCo
- CPython
- Clang
- Google V8
- Eclipse OpenJ9
- Oracle HotSpot
- Rust
- Node.js
- Go
- Roslyn
- Swift
- Kotlin
- Tiny C
- ANSI C - ISO/IEC 9899 Specification
- Scala Language Specification