Sublime 3 D AutoModuleName plugin. Add "module;".
It provides the dlang_auto_module_name
In code like this:
class Uno : IStylable
will be auto added "moule uno;" at begin of file. Like this:
module uno;
class Uno : IStylable
- Check file for "module ..."
- Get name from file_name
- like a: project/source/ui/sys/device.d -> module ui.sys.device;
- Get name from "class Name"
- Get name from "interface Name"
- Get name from "struct Name"
- Get name from "enum Name"
- Insert "module name;"
Install DlangAutoModuleName from Package Control.
Then add a keybinding of your choice for the dlang_auto_module_name
command, by adding a line like this to your keybindings file:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+a"], "command": "dlang_auto_module_name" },
You can also try it out immediately by choosing "D: module ..." from the context menu or command pallete.