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Examples of commands and explanations for learning Git

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This is a git guide that contain command examples with explanations, different use cases and links to further documentations.

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# System git config
$ git config --system --edit

# Global git config (User config)
$ git config --global --edit

# Local git config (Project config)
$ git config --edit
# or
$ git config --local --edit

How to create alias

Run the following command:

admin:~$ git config --global --edit

You must add the following command to the .gitconfig file opened into editor:

  c = !git command

Now, use git c instead.

Creating commit and stash

# Add files to stage area
$ git add file_name # Add single file.
$ git add . # Add files from current diretory.
$ git add --all # Add all files.

# Create a commit
$ git commit -m "message" # It creates a new commit.
$ git commit --amend --no-edit # It creates a commit merged with the previous commit.

# Putting changes to stash
$ git stash # Stash all modifications.
$ git stash list # Saved stash listing.
$ git stash pop # Returns modifications from stash and clears the list.
$ git stash apply # Returns modifications
$ git stash clear # Clear the stash listinig

File status

Untracked files

Unknown files by git.

admin:~$ git status -s
?? index.js

Not staged (Unstaged area)

Files known to git but not added to stage area after modification. They are outside the stage area therefore they will not enter the next commit.

admin:~$ git status -s
M index.js

Staged (Staging area / Index)

Files that will enter the next commit.

admin:~$ git status -s
A index.js

Auxiliary commands

status, show and log

# Show status of modified files and current branch.
$ git status
# or
$ git status --s

# Show specific commit details
$ git show
# or
$ git show --oneline

# Commit listing
$ git log
# or
$ git log --oneline

How to add custom git log to the alias:

Add the following command to the alias:

l = !git log --pretty=format:'%C(green)%h %C(yellow)%d %C(white)%s - %C(cyan)%cn, %C(blue)%cr'

New git log:

# Create a new tag
$ git tag v1.0 hash_commit # It creates a Lightweight tag
$ git tag v1.0 -m "Release v1.0" hash_commit # It creates a Annotated tag (for sending github)

# View tags
$ git tag # Show all tags
$ git tag v1.0 # Show a single tag

# Delete tag
$ git tag --delete v1.0 # Delete from local
$ git push --delete origin v1.0 # Delete from remote

Sending Annotated tags to GitHub

Open the global git config --global and add the following code:

    followTags = true
$ git checkout . # Returns changes to files that are Unstaged and tracked.
$ git checkout [[commit_ref] or [tag_ref]] # Creates a virtual branch with the chosen point to analyze the code.
$ git checkout -b nome_branch # Create a truly branch.
$ git checkout nome_branch # Switch between branches.
$ git merge branch_name . # Merge the current branch with the branch_name.

Standard structure

$ git reset [hash or HEAD~n] --flag

HEAD - Last commit

n - Number of commits below HEAD.

hash - Commit hash ( The default is the last commit (HEAD) )

--flag - It can be --soft, --mixed (default), --hard


# Handling commits
$ git reset HEAD~1 --soft # Goes back to the previous commit by placing the files to Staging area.
$ git reset HEAD~2 --mixed # Goes back 2 commits by placing the files back in the Unstaged area.
$ git reset HEAD~1 --hard # Goes back to the previous commit and undo the modification of the Unstaged area files.

# Handling the current commit (HEAD)
# The default is the HEAD
$ git reset # --mixed tag omitted. Place the files from the Staging Area to Unstaged area.
$ git reset --hard # Undo the modification of files that are in the Unstaged area or Staging area.


$ git revert [hash ou HEAD~1] --flag


$ git revert HEAD~1 # Creates a new commit with the reverse modifications.
$ git revert HAAD~1 --no-edit # Creates a new commit no editing.
$ git revert HEAD~1 --no-commit # Make the reverse changes to the files and add them to Staging area.


$ git clean --flag


$ git clean -n # Show the untracked files.
$ git clean -n -d # Show all untracked files recursively.
$ git clean -f # Delete the untracked files.
$ git clean -f -d # Delete all untracked files recursively.


$ git rm file.ex --flag


$ git rm index.js # Remove the tracked file.
$ git rm folder -r # Remove the tracked files recursively.

How to ignore tracked files.

Run the following command:

$ git rm index.js --cached'

Run the following command to open the editor:

$ git rebase -i [commit_ref]'


# p, pick <commit> = use commit
# r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')
# d, drop <commit> = remove commit
# l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name
# t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label
# m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]
# .       create a merge commit using the original merge commit's
# .       message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was
# .       specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message.

Close the editor or use the ---abort flag to exit rebasing mode.

$ git rebase --abort'


Examples of commands and explanations for learning Git







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