Hi there! I'm a fullstack software engineer and businessman with 9 years of experience in development. I am also a YouTuber and passionate teacher who enjoys sharing my knowledge with others.
On my YouTube channel, I share my knowledge about software development with the Georgian audience. I believe that knowledge should be shared freely, and I'm passionate about making education accessible to everyone. Check out my channel to learn more!
- HTML ✔️
- CSS ✔️
- SASS ✔️
- JavaScript ✔️
- TypeScript ✔️
- Angular ✔️
- Bootstrap ✔️
- NodeJS ✔️
- MongoDB ✔️
As a passionate teacher, I believe in making education accessible to everyone. I'm always focused on learning new technologies and frameworks to enhance my skills and share my knowledge with others. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out!