This repository provides instructions on how to implement the Digital Analytics Program (DAP) on U.S. Navy public websites. DAP is a U.S. government-wide digital strategy directive that uses Google Analytics 360 to collect and analyze public web traffic data. The DAP JavaScript code is required on federal publicly-facing websites per Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memo "2016 Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services" found here:
As the Navy agency representative, the Chief of Naval Information (CHINFO) is the lead for Navy access. LCDR Shawn Eklund, the DAP POC, will help you with creating an account to view your statistical data. Please read more here:
DAP code is managed via Google Tag Manager (GTM). GTM is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on a website without changing the code on each page. If your Command wants to manage a GTM workspace, please request access by sending an offical email to [email protected] with "requesting a U.S. Navy's GTM account" in the subject line.
In some cases implementation of GTM will depend on what Budget Submitting Office (BSO) your site falls under. In other cases your site might not fall inside the BSO GTM account but stand on it's own. Here's a list of commands and associated GTM code.
- DAP Analytics YouTube Playlist:
- DAP Best Practices link:
For U.S. Navy sites utilizing OPEN's SharePoint as a content management system located here, guidance is provided at the following link: