Contains the PowerShell scripts I use to get some extra info from HASS windows hosts.
- When using sensors from the HASS.Agent in order to view windows host information in HA, I was missing the % disk usage and % swap usage
- Get the thru the PowerShellScript Sensor in HASS.Agent
In the OS of the machine that you want to be monitored, from admin powered powershell console:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Unblock-File -Path $env:APPDATA'\LAB02 Research\HASS.Agent\Sensors\DiskAndSwap.ps1' -percentatge disk
In the OS of the machine that you want to be monitored, open
HASS.Agent -> Sensors -> Add New
type = PowerShell
Update Every=60
(Carefull because the swap mesure takes like 5 seconds, never set to less than 10)
Powerhell command or script (for getting the % disk usage:)
& $env:APPDATA'\LAB02 Research\HASS.Agent\Sensors\DiskAndSwap.ps1' -percentatge disk
Powerhell command or script for getting the % swap usage:
& $env:APPDATA'\LAB02 Research\HASS.Agent\Sensors\DiskAndSwap.ps1' -percentatge swap
Finally test and apply
Test command/script
Store sensor
Store and activate sensors
In order to force the incoming sensor to appear as % in HA, we need to force it with the following yaml code
sensor.win_tv_diskusage: unit_of_measurement: '%' sensor.win_tv_swapusage: unit_of_measurement: '%' sensor.win_hpe_diskusage: unit_of_measurement: '%' sensor.win_hpe_swapusage: unit_of_measurement: '%'