by Greg Stevens a.k.a. @GregSweats
Look under the expandable Assets section.
⚠ Two warnings may popup
Enable Editing
- This is because the file was downloaded.
Enable Content
- This is to allow access to External Content, the
Transactions Workbook
you will configure.
- This is to allow access to External Content, the
🤯 Yesssss, this is Microsoft Excel.
Ever seen a spreadsheet with a SEIZURE WARNING? That one Dino GIF is a lot to take in.
- Tiller's 2022 Microsoft Excel Builders Challenge Entry
- 🔗 Download Latest TRXN8R Excel from Releases
- Screenshot
- Table of Contents
- Why?
- 1️⃣ Getting Started as a
- 2️⃣ Issues, Help, Discussions, etc.
- 3️⃣ Obsidian Vault
- Contributing
- Getting Started as a
- Goals / Thoughts
- Diagram Samples (
Best to see
⚠ The first hit is always free.
- LATEST VERSION will always be the only
in the root of this project. /TRXN8R.xlsx
is a copy/paste alias, a gross, crude, redirect.- I think having the version in the name is good, especially when filing issues or knowing when to update.
- Could be a hidden, checkable value within a cell or Power Query Param though...hmmmm...
1.2. Configure TRX8NR 🐱🐉
to Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL
) the Results of Your Transactions (Trxns
From the main screen, the workbook in the screenshot, TRX8NR Home
Foundation/Transactions Workbook File Path
The location of your Tiller Foundation Template with a
Transactions Worksheet
. -
from this worksheet will be used to determine:Column Headers
for mapping theCSV Files
to.Transaction History
to avoid importing duplicateTransactions
.- After the import,
loads thet8r_TrxnsFromImport
Worksheet with new, de-duplicated Transactions, in the same column format for easy copy/paste back into your actual Transactions Worksheet data. - Review the Imported Transactions, add them back to your
Foundation/Transactions Workbook
, and voile, we should succeed! 🏆
Still in beta as of 2022-06-01 so mistakes may happen.
TRXN8R is designed to Load the Transactions from your Workbook only.
#todo Is there a way to open the source Workbook read only?
- Might already be.
- Look in Power Query at
. We get the File.Contents and load Workbook from could it write it back?!
worksheet = Excel.Workbook( // // File.Contents(path as text, optional options as nullable record) as binary File.Contents( T8R_TRXNS_WORKBOOK_PATH ), true, true ){[Name=worksheetName]},
consumed from
will be compared to theTransactions Worksheet
in thisFoundation Template
Pick Transactions Worksheet
✅ Any Custom Headers/Ordering Works
- 🤯 TRX8NR loads the headers from the
Transactions Worksheet
into the next step, theTRX8NR ImportConfigs Worksheet
, where you can set whatCSV Header
to use for thisTransactions Header
. - #beta may be buggy 🐛
- 🤯 TRX8NR loads the headers from the
Pick the
to use from theFoundation Template
.- This should be a drop-down list but it may be buggy 🐛
Folder Path to Import From
- 🔧 The
Windows Directory
where yourCSV Files
are located. - 🐱🐉 TRXN8R will scan all sub-directories too. #feature
- 🔧 The
Config to Use
- 🚧 #WorkInProgress
- Goal is to have
let you map different configs to different files, based on patterns, paths, and a final manualYES/NO
confirmation somehow #maybe.
Refresh Data
Review Results
- Glance at the Obsidian Vault
- That
is where magic comes into play. - Install/Open
(for free) and then"Open folder as vault"
and open the vault folder./obsvault-tiller22./
Nicer keeping all documentation within wonderful Obsidian 👩🏭.
Greg Stevens
2022-05-22 at 01:08:07 AM MDT
🔗 See
Below uses one of my fav tools [gh - GitHub CLI], you can
git clone...
as usual if you prefer. ✌
gh repo clone trxn8r/trxn8r
code trxn8r
PS C:\Users\GregStevens\OneDrive - Dalyle\projects>
gh repo clone trxn8r/trxn8r
Cloning into 'trxn8r'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 506, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 506 (delta 3), reused 3 (delta 3), pack-reused 502
Receiving objects: 100% (506/506), 41.58 MiB | 11.04 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (105/105), done.
PS C:\Users\GregStevens\OneDrive - Dalyle\projects>
PS C:\Users\GregStevens\OneDrive - Dalyle\projects> code .\trxn8r\
// The dot and backslahses around trxn8r are not required.
// They showed up when I pressed <kbd>TAB</kbd> to auto-complete the name.
Powershell example, rather than the usual shell
Markdown language, just to be unique
, hehe, get it?! [base|model|science] words
! 🤣
Caveat: a warning or caution; admonition. Law. a legal notice to a court or public officer to suspend a certain proceeding until the notifier ...
- Cloning into a [[OneDrive]] folder is something that I have had HUGE issues with before due to constant Network Activity, most noticeable whne listing directories and/or svaing files.
- Set the parent folder to
Always available on this device
. - This small repo wasn't like the multi-GB one I had the problems with before.
- I was in my garage with very poor WiFi at the time (~15-50 Mbps on a 1 GB Fiber line!).
- Set the parent folder to
- I LOST NEARLY EIGHT HOURS OF WORK a few days ago, circa [[2022-05-30]], when I was working of my usual local source drive. 😡
- Utilizing the built-in backups, versioning, etc. that [[OneDrive]] and [[SharePoint]] offer.
- Super nice stuff.
- Most end users are probably storing this in OneDrive.
- Maybe in a [[OneDrive#Vault|OneDrive Vault]] ?!
- Is a [[OneDrive#Vault|OneDrive Vault]] more secure than [[Google Sheets]] in this case?! #CompetitiveResearch #Versus
- Utilizing the built-in backups, versioning, etc. that [[OneDrive]] and [[SharePoint]] offer.
- To avoid further loss, I now keep it backed up on OneDrive, where most my data lives 😇.
- MS Office / Windows Based Friendly Naming
- e.g.
Create a new
rather thandirectory
(Linux/Web terminology I think 🤔❓) - Models after
Windows Explorer's
"New folder" button.- #todo: Any reference for this?
- e.g.
(#maybe ?).
- e.g.
- Leverage
Microsoft Office 365 (0365)
Services- Cloud, local, apps, whatever.
- Workflows, commenting, approving, todos.
- Outlook/Email Integration (forward receipts, etc...) #dreaming #future
- OneDrive Vaults
- etc.
- Be User Friendly
was created for Tiller’s 2022 Microsoft Excel Builders Challenge- After a review of roughly 10 financial products, Tiller was the best. At the very least the data was mine!
- I have done some wonky things with spreadsheets in the past,
such as using multiple
to write hundreds of Apache Redirects, routinely, without any effort, and only having the team fill out the old/new columns. Plus an entire Forage U-pick Tool with _real scientific data created as a 10-year follow-up to a project with 10-15 years of previous data in it! - The creator of
, @GregSweats, was working on a small contribution of a mapping to a Python package, csv2ofx for That is a beautiful solution, and chainable into some sort of future automation pipeline, with it's
Command Line Interface (CLI)
thanks to being NodeJS based. - It requires coding when certain columns change though, running Python, which, is amazing and something I want to get into, largely due a-newly-admitted-to-myself Data Science 🔍 interest.
- That is a beautiful solution, and chainable into some sort of future automation pipeline, with it's
- Be a Model of Best Practices to help make better developers which will make better, clearly documented, user friendly packages & apps which will make a better world! 🦄
- I, @GregSweats, don't know what I'm doing.
- I type stuff, stuff happoens.
- Somehow I seem to know things though.
- So as well as helping others this is also a completely selfish undertaking to hopefully give people an interesting tool and they will teach me howz to be betterz!
- Help @GregSweats get a job with Tiller
- Help @GregSweats figure out if he is insane, or actually on to something with his various workflows.
- Through the use of 10-20+ Hours of Screencasts that will soon be available on YouTube @GregWorks 4 Hour 20 Minute Non-Stop Initial, RAW, Uncut, Initial Screencast Experiment and Garage Building Finishing w/ Woodworking and Examples of Non-Verbal Communication Skills 📽.
- #update 2022-06-02: These are somewhat outdated but still surprisingly close!
- 👉 Checkout the Obsidian Vault for more, and up-to-date information.