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Sky Betting & Gaming Engineering Site

This is source for our public engineering site at, rendered via Jekyll through GitHub Pages.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Submit a Pull Request

All changes are welcome from additional articles, to styling changes, etc. If you're not comfortable with a pull request you can email [email protected] directly with your post in Markdown format with any accompanying pictures.

If making updates to the layout, use the sass in the _scss/ directory.

Adding a New Article

To add a new article you need to add a new file in markdown format in the _posts directory following the naming conventions of the existing files. The file will need to include Jeykll front matter like this:

layout:     post
title:      Your Title Here
date:       2015-08-05 15:45:00
summary:    Your summary here.
author:     author_name
image:      post_image.png
category:   Category
tags:       comma, separated, tag names

You should add any images used in the post to the images directory. If the post has a main image you wish to appear on the homepage and in any post previews, you should add it with the name referenced in the frontmatter.

If the article is in a brand new category, simply run bundle exec rake createCategory["CATEGORY NAME"] or manually update _data/categories.yml and create a category file in category/.

If an article has been created by multiple authors, you can specify the author key as a list (using hyphens as the list item marker), instead:

 - author_key
 - another_author_key

Style Guide

  • The company name should always be referred to as "Sky Betting & Gaming"
  • In markdown files such as posts, you don't need to encode html entities (e.g. ampersand). In HTML, you do.


If you wish to use an image within the post, reference them in markdown like so:

![Shuffled Lego](/images/lego-shuffled.jpg)


Videos should be hosted on the SB&G Engineers YouTube channel.


For the author key, if you have not posted before, you should create a corresponding entry in _data/authors.yml, using the alias used in the post frontmatter as the key, e.g.

    name: Author Name
    image: author_name.png
    role: Author's Role / Squad
    tribe: Author's Tribe
    startDate: 01-05-2015
    bio: Some information about the author, can be as long as you like, but should be written in proper English.
    interests: Comma, Separated, Interests, List
    twitter: optional_twitter_handle
    github: optional_github_account

Again, add the author's image to the images/authors directory with the same filename as referenced within the author definition, and make sure it's 100x100 pixels: all author information will be included into each of the appropriate posts made by the author, as per _includes/author.html.

Rendering the Site Locally

To render the site locally you need to cd into your cloned repository and run bundle install to install all the rubygems which Github Pages (where the site gets hosted) uses, for compatibility reasons. The site itself is powered by jekyll. You can then run bundle exec rake (which calls jekyll serve) which will result in the site being available on, re-rendering if you make any changes. If you have any trouble getting the gems to install (particularly within OS X's default environment), we recommend installing rvm.


No releases published


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  • CSS 61.7%
  • HTML 20.9%
  • Ruby 13.9%
  • JavaScript 3.5%