I2P Reseeder written in Python (WSGI).
It can run under all webservers supporting WSGI.
It also contains a built in webserver used for testing.
It depends on Werkzeug (The Python WSGI Utility Library).
Run apt-get install python-werkzeug
or pip install werkzeug
This is tested with Python 2.7 and Werkzeug 0.9.4.
The master/default branch is currently maintained by https://github.com/mikalv / https://github.com/meeh420.
- Install all dependencies
apt-get install python-werkzeug libapache2-mod-wsgi apache2
- Create a SSL certificate (If you use openssl you can do;
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650
) - Edit apache or nginx to use wsgi.py
- Copy the prod.dist file to prod.conf and edit it so it matches your environment
- Download the code
cd /var/www/
git clone https://github.com/mikalv/i2p-reseeder.git us.reseed.i2p2.no
- Make sure required apache modules is enabled
a2enmod wsgi ssl
- Restart apache
service apache2 restart
- Test your reseed server with a I2P router, check for errors in the log
Webserver needs access to the netDb files.
This works for me:
cd /home/i2p/.i2p
chgrp -R www-data netDb
chmod -R g+rX netDb
find netDb/ -type d | xargs chmod g+s
The tool help menu looks like this:
$ java -cp /Applications/i2p/lib/i2p.jar net.i2p.crypto.SU3File
Usage: SU3File keygen [-t type|code] publicKeyFile keystore.ks [email protected]
SU3File sign [-c type|code] [-t type|code] inputFile.zip signedFile.su3 keystore.ks version [email protected]
SU3File bulksign [-c type|code] [-t type|code] directory keystore.ks version [email protected]
SU3File showversion signedFile.su3
SU3File verifysig signedFile.su3
SU3File extract signedFile.su3 outFile.zip
Available signature types (-t):
DSA_SHA1 (code: 0) DEFAULT
ECDSA_SHA256_P256 (code: 1)
ECDSA_SHA384_P384 (code: 2)
ECDSA_SHA512_P521 (code: 3)
RSA_SHA256_2048 (code: 4)
RSA_SHA384_3072 (code: 5)
RSA_SHA512_4096 (code: 6)
Available content types (-c):
ROUTER (code: 1)
PLUGIN (code: 2)
RESEED (code: 3)
Example for creating a key:
$ java -cp /Applications/i2p/lib/i2p.jar net.i2p.crypto.SU3File keygen -t 6 reseed.pub-key.pem reseed-keystore.ks [email protected]