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These are source codes for 1video experiment.


  1. Install node.js from its official website

    if you are using Windows, make sure to click 'add to path' when installing.

    if you want to run on the uchicago linux machine, follow their guide to installing via binary archive

    To test if the installation is successful, you can input

    node -v

    in your command line.

  2. Download the zip file and unzip it. Locate to the folder:

    cd QoEProject
  3. (Optional) Install all the dependencies:

    This is an optional step for those without node-modules folder. If you have downloaded the complete file, all the modules are already in the node-modules folder.

    npm install
  4. Start the server on localhost:

    node app.js

    If you run into any errors regarding modules not found, try removing the "node_modules" folder and go back to step 3.

  5. Visit localhost:3001 on your website, you should see the instruction page.

    If you are running on the uchicago linux machine, visit

    (Optional) If you want to change the port number, in the app.js file, edit line 48 to the desired port number.

    After finishing the test, the results will be stored in ./results/, the file name will be the MTurk ID.

Running MTurk Survey

  1. Login to Amazon Requester using your Amazon account.

  2. Create a new project using their "Survey Link" template.

  3. Fill out the survey properties. Here is an example of my settings: MTurk Settings

  4. Click on Design Layout. Click on "Source" in the editor to edit the text. Here is an exmaple of my layout: Design Layout

    Remember to change the link correspondingly if you changed the port number.

  5. Finish and publish a batch.


  1. Only one tester can proceed the test at the same time. This is because I used some variables to control the order of the webpages, videos, etc. If another tester visits the webpage, he will be asked to wait first. One big problem is that if one tester quits before finishing, then the server will keep waiting. I wonder if this problem can be solved by multi-process methods(each tester has a pid).

    An idea just came across my mind: can I use ctx to transfer these global variables? eg.

    ctx.video_order = video_order;
    ctx.count = count;
    ctx.result = result;

    This problem is fixed: the idea is using cookie, bind all the global variables to the cookie by using:


    Also need to add

    app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    ctx.state.user = parseUser(ctx.cookies.get('name') || '');
    await next();

    in app.js .

About data

  1. The raw data collected from the website are .txt files, containing info about grades, order of videos, watching and decision time of each grade, and the content of the survey. I will up load them to ./raw_data/, you can load these data into npy files with, which has already been done and the npy files are in ./data folder, so you may not need to deal with raw data. I have rejected unqualified results on MTurk, so all the results in the npy file are valid.

  2. In the ./data folder, you can see all the npy files and plotting codes. Sorry for the confusing names of the npy files:

    • amazon: 001, 002, 003, 004
    • cnn: cnn, cnn_new
    • google: google, google_new
    • youtube: youtube, youtube_new
  3. To plot a single curve for a website, eg. amazon, just run To plot all the curves combined in one picture, run plots the differential of the curves on every 2 points(you can modify to every 1 point). All the plotted results are in the ./figs folder.

  4. Attention check:

  • 2 means no stall no blur
  • 3 means blur no stall
  • 4 means stall no blur
  • 5 means stall and blur

For example: best quality should be 2 and worst quality should be 5


Crowdsourcing pipeline for video QoE experiments






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