Quepasa is a Open-source, all free license software to exchange messages with Whatsapp Platform
Chat with us on Telegram:
Special thanks to Lukas Prais, who developed this logo.
# QuePasa
A (micro) web-application to make web-based WhatsApp bots easy to write.
PostMan Shared Documentations
PostMan Public Workspace
- Verify a number with a QR code
- Persistence of account data and keys
- Exposes HTTP endpoints for:
- sending messages
- receiving messages
- download attachments
- set webhook for receiving messages
WARNING: This application has not been audited. It should not be regarded as secure, use at your own risk.
This is a third-party effort, and is NOT in any affiliated with WhatsApp.
Clone and Install
git clone https://github.com/sufficit/sufficit-quepasa /opt/quepasa-source
bash /opt/quepasa-source/helpers/install.sh
- go to http://your.ip.address:31000/setup in the web browser and register an admin user for your system
- login on quepasa http://your.ip.address:31000 from previously created user and scan the qr using you whatsapp
Anything is section was not reviewed
Implemented features:
- Verify a number with a QR code
- Persistence of account data and keys
- Exposes HTTP endpoints for:
- sending messages
- receiving messages
- download attachments
- set webhook for receiving messages
WARNING: This application has not been audited. It should not be regarded as secure, use at your own risk.
This is a third-party effort, and is NOT in any affiliated with WhatsApp.
Angry, Angry ... WhatsApp keeps canceling our number.
When you need to communicate over WhatsApp from a different service, for example, a help desk or other web-app, QuePasa provides a simple HTTP API to do so.
QuePasa stores keys and WhatsApp account data in a postgres database. It does not come with HTTPS out of the box. Your QuePasa API tokens essentially give full access to your WhatsApp account (to the extent that QuePasa has implemented WhatsApp features). Use with caution.
For HTTPS use Nginx.
Take a look at https://github.com/pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js/pulls
Its a lot more complete tool to whatsapp unofficial api
Matrix chat room #cdr-link-dev-support:matrix.org https://app.element.io/#/room/#cdr-link-dev-support:matrix.org
- Mysql (Recommended)
- Golang (Version go1.18 minimum version)
cd /usr/src
sudo wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.20.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.linux-amd64.tar.gz
#export the PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/sufficit/sufficit-quepasa-fork.git
Create Database and Users
sudo mysql
# create the user
mysql> CREATE USER 'quepasa'@'%'IDENTIFIED BY 'S0me_RaNdoM_T3*T';
# Granting Permition to the Quepasa User
mysql> GRANT ALL ON quepasa.* TO 'quepasa'@'%';
# Flushing the Privileges
# Create quepasa DataBase
mysql> CREATE DATABASE quepasa;
# exit mysql
mysql> exit
Creating the Tables Required
cd <git_clone_location>/src/migrations/
#below will create the relevent tables in the quepasa database for you
sudo mysql --database=quepasa < 1_create_tables.up.sql
Creating the .env file
# this file contains all the environment varibles that the system needed do the changes that matches your deployment
#create the .env file in the below location
nano <git_clone_location>/src/.env
# content of the file should looklike this
WEBAPIPORT=31000 # web port of the API
WEBSOCKETSSL=false # http or Https
DBDRIVER=mysql #Databse Server
DBPASSWORD='S0me_RaNdoM_T3*T' #the string you created in the third step
APP_ENV=development # this will write some extra debug messages you can change it to production if needed
SIGNING_SECRET=5345fgdgfd54asdasdasdd #some random test this will be used for password encription
Compiling the Packge
# cd into the src directory
# compile using golang this may take few seconds to compile
go run main.go
if error occourd such as "go not found" please make sure to export the path again
- go to http://your.ip.address:3100/setup in the web browser and register an admin user for your system
- log in to the sysetm http://your.ip.address:3100 form previously created user and scan the qr using you whatsapp
For local development
- docker
- golang
- postgresql
- Add info about database migrations
make docker_build
# edit docker-compose.yml.sample to your hearts content
docker-compose up
> http server bind host (HOST:PORT) default empty.
> http server bind port (HOST:PORT) default 31000.
> Should websocket for qrcode reads use ssl, default false.
> Environment name, only knows "development", any other will be not development, implies on logs only, default empty.
> Suffix for quepasa name on whatsapp devices list like (QuePasa Sufficit), default empty.
QuePasa is a free software project licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (GNU AGPLv3) by Sufficit Soluções.