#12 Days of Commitmas
##A community project to get us all a little more familiar with GitHub.
Commit to Commitmas by forking this repository!
##Development Environment
Last year while learning Python, I got a recomendation from Matt Cowger (@mcowger) on PyCharm as an IDE. At first I struggled a bit with it, but I have to say i have grown to really appreciate the spit and polish that this app provides.
One area that I never used was the Git/GitHub integration. While PyCharm does a nice job of making the process as simple as possible, it took me a lot of trial and error to get it to work. I was able to commit, but for some reason the change never made it to GitHub. After pulling what was left of my hair out, I decided to give it one more shot.
The following is the procedure that finally succeded:
- Select VCS on Menubar and choose Commit
- Add an appropriate comment. Be sure to use assertive language to follow standards
- This is the key, instead of just clicking on Commit, hover over button until Commit and Push is shown
- Check on GitHub to ensure that the update was Pushed
##Dec 25th 2014
Merry Christmas everyone. Since I did not check in yesterday I decided to make a change from the CLI instead of PyCharm
update changed heading style size.