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Automated Standups for Slack Channels

Messaging tools like Slack changed our work world. Standup changed our meetings. Standup Bot keeps us accountable, tracks our goals, and got us to post our successes, plans, and upcoming challenges. We love it so much and we think you will too, so we're releasing it Open-Source.

Slack Setup:

  • Create a new Bot in Slack if you don't have one
    • Visit
  • Invite the Bot you created to all Slack Channels you want to use
    • /invite @your_bot
  • Add a slash command integration (It allows to start the Standup typing /standup in Slack)
    • Visit
      • Set /standup as the command.
      • Set as the url.
      • Set GET as the method.

Local Setup (After Slack Setup):

  • Clone the repository
  • Install all the gems
    • bundle install
  • Create and migrate the DB
    • rake db:create db:migrate
  • Start a local server and then visit the Settings page
    • rails s
    • Visit http://localhost:3000/settings Populate all the inputs.
  • Run the mailcatcher server (It allows to see the emails, for that visit http://localhost:1080)
    • mailcatcher
  • Run the Delayed Job process
    • rake jobs:work
  • Now you have everything ready to start your first Standup
    • Visit http://localhost:3000/api/standups/start?channel_name=YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME.

Heroku Setup (After Slack Setup):

  • Clone the repository
  • Associate your Heroku app and then push the master branch into Heroku
    • heroku git:remote -a heroku-app-name
    • git push heroku master
  • Run the Migrations
    • heroku run rake db:migrate
  • Add a new worker to your app (If you don't have one running yet)
    • heroku ps:scale worker=1
  • Configure an SMTP server to deliver the emails
    • heroku config:set
    • heroku config:set MAILER_PORT=587
    • heroku config:set [email protected]
    • heroku config:set MAILER_PASSWORD=your-password
    • heroku config:set
  • Configure your credentials to access the webpage
    • heroku config:set STANDUPBOT_USERNAME=your-username
    • heroku config:set STANDUPBOT_SECRET=your-secret
  • Visit the Settings page
    • Populate all the inputs.
  • Now you have everything ready to start your first Standup
    • Type /standup.

Be really careful when assigning the Bot username and Api Token, the app won't work if one of them is incorrect.


  • -skip Skips your turn until the end of standup.

  • -yes Agrees to start your standup.

  • -help Displays standup-bot commands in your channel.

  • -status Displays the current status of the standup.

  • -edit: #(1,2,3) Edit your answer for the day.

  • -delete: #(1,2,3) Delete your answer for the day.

  • Admin only Commands (Visit /settings to grant admin privileges to one or multiple users)
    • -vacation: @user Skip users standup for the day. (Marks user "Vacation")
    • -skip: @user Place user at the end of standup.
    • -n/a: @user Skips users standup for the day
    • -quit-standup Quit standup.
    • -start Begins standup.
How to make a pull request:
  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


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