TheMakers.Identity package provide a both inline and standalone service solution for user authorization with a wide range of authoriaztion paths, like static login-password, regular code-by-sms, or totp and oauth.
- golang => 1.10
- mongodb => 4.0
Just pull sources to your library
go get
And import it
import ""
First of all identity was developed for grpc, but http is most commonly used.
First step is preparing storage for identity data. Next we creating identity service by providing storage, cookieKey, list of identity agents and list of verifiers for them. And at the last step we providing the root path '/identity' for our IdentityService and start listening.
package main
import (
const (
cookiePrefix = "Session "
cookieName = "cookie"
func main() {
// STEP 1
// At the first step we preparing mongodb storer for identities
// by providing name of database,
// collection prefix - there will be creating 2 collections(users and authentications) with provided prefix
// uri for connecting to db
idenBackend, err := backend_mongo.New(backend_mongo.Options{
DBName: "test",
CollectionPrefix: "idn_",
URI: "mongodb://localhost:27017",
if err != nil {
// STEP 2
// Create service by providing storer from first step, string key for cookie object from context,
// list of identities - there only email identity object
// list of verifiers - there password verifier for realizing classical email-password mechanism
idenSvc, err := identity_svc_http.New(idenBackend, cookieName, []identity.Identity{
}, []identity.Verifier{
if err != nil {
// STEP 3
// by calling Register method we get the multiplexer handle all of identity enpoints
publicIdentityMux, _ := idenSvc.Register()
// STEP 4
// we create middleware for converting http auth cookie to Cookie object that realize Cookie interface
// for having way to improve it with some capabilities like cryptografy, onCookie data etc.
var chain = onCookieMiddleware(publicIdentityMux, cookieName)
// STEP 5
// creating the root multiplexer for chaining out identity. sometimes we need some other activities, isn't it?
apiMux := http.NewServeMux()
// connecting the identity multiplexer with root multiplexer
apiMux.Handle("/api/identity/", http.StripPrefix("/api/identity", publicIdentityMux))
apiMux.Handle("/api/yourEndpoint1/", YourAPIHandler1)
apiMux.Handle("/api/yourEndpoint2/", YourAPIHandler2)
// STEP 6
server := &http.Server{
Handler: chain,
Addr: ":8080",
if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
// Middleware function for get auth token from cookie, create cookie object and put into context
// to throw it into identity service
func onCookieMiddleware(next http.Handler, cookieKey string) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, q *http.Request) {
val := ""
if coo, err := q.Cookie(cookieKey); err == nil {
val = coo.Value
if strings.HasPrefix(val, cookiePrefix) {
val = strings.TrimPrefix(val, cookiePrefix)
cookie := New(val, w)
next.ServeHTTP(w, q.WithContext(context.WithValue(q.Context(), cookieKey, cookie)))
// Simple Cookie type realizing Cookie interface. Without any amazing things. Just unmarshal cookie from http.cookie
// and marshal it and set it into response writer
type Cookie struct {
userID, sessionID string
w http.ResponseWriter
func New(val string, w http.ResponseWriter) *Cookie {
cookiePair := strings.Split(val,":")
if len(cookiePair) == 2 {
return &Cookie{
userID: "",
sessionID: "",
return &Cookie{
userID: cookiePair[0],
sessionID: cookiePair[1],
w: w,
func (c *Cookie) setCookie() {
http.SetCookie(c.w, &http.Cookie{
Name: cookieName,
Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", cookiePrefix, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", c.userID , c.sessionID)),
HttpOnly: true,
Path: "/",
SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode,
MaxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, //one month
func (c *Cookie) Init() {
c.userID = "uid"
c.sessionID = "sid"
func (c *Cookie) SetUserID(id string) {
c.userID = id
func (c *Cookie) SetSessionID(id string) {
c.sessionID = id
func (c *Cookie) GetUserID() string {
return c.userID
func (c *Cookie) GetSessionID() string {
return c.sessionID
Now you can send your auth requests to the endpoint http://localhost:8080/identity/api/. For example http://localhost:8080/api/identity/ListSupportedIdentitiesAndVerifiers
You could use as an example.