Interactive Diatom Phylogeny
A tool for exploring the phylogeny of diatoms
This Shiny R code is meant as a tool to explore the diatom phylogeny. The main functionality so far is plotting pre-defined sub-trees or sub-trees based on two user-selected terminal nodes. The code depends on the R packages ape and phangorn. The code is rather clunky, but it does serve its basic purpose.
To browse the diatom phylogeny visit the app at Alternatively run the Interactive Diatom Phylogeny use R and call it from its GitHub repository:
shiny::runGitHub('InteractiveDiatomPhylogeny', 'teofiln')
The topology is that of Nakov et al. 2014 (ISME-J, 9:246–255).
For an excellent treeviewer in Shiny with the functionality to load your own tree see shinyTreeViewer.