This code repository contains the source code for, my personal web site. This code is provided for educational and illustrative purposes only.
All code provided here is copyrighted by me, Eric Schmidt.
You can find a deployed version of the site here.
The website is built on Google Cloud AppEngine, using Python and Angular.
To run the Angular app on the Angular runserver, use
the following command from the src
ng serve --open
To build the Angular app, use the following command from the
ng build --prod
To build the entire site using the Gulp file, use the
following command from the src
gulp build
To run the site, use the following command from the root folder:
go run .
To reinstall all of the NodeJS dependencies (for example, after changing git branches), use the following command:
npm install
To rebuild the Docker image, run the following command from the root folder:
docker build -t telpirion-com .
To run the site from a Docker container, run the following command from the root folder:
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 --name telpirion-com-running telpirion-com
First, add a version tag for this image:
docker tag telpirion-com \
Next, update the image in the Google Cloud Artifact registry:
docker push
Finally, go to Cloud Run and create a service from this image.
- Getting started
- Angular CLI ref
- Angular Material getting started
- Material Design icon set
- Angular Flex layout