This repository contains files we are (re-)using in our OSS work published on github.
Feel free to use them as well, they are licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal.
You might also be interested in our oss-template which uses them as well next to other files such as our bash scripts.
Table of Content
In case you start a new open source project, then consider basing your repository on Tegonal's OSS-template. It has already setup github-commons as remote for gt and pulled several files. If you want to use it in an existing project, then we recommend you download Tegonal's OSS-template, initialise it as described in the readme and then copy the files you want to your existing repsoitory.
If the above does not sound like a plan, then we recommend you fetch the files you need of this repository via gt into our projects.
If you want to fetch them with gt as well, then set up a corresponding remote
gt remote add -r tegonal-gh-commons -u
Now you can pull the files you want. For instance, to retrieve the dependabot.yml and put it into the .github directory:
gt pull -r tegonal-gh-commons -p src/.github/dependabot.yml --chop-path true -d .github
Some files contain placeholders which you should replace. We provide bash functions which you can source into your and use to fill the placeholders. Get them was well via gt:
gt pull -r tegonal-gh-commons -p src/gt/
However, they require the utility functions of tegonal-scripts to be fetched alongside of github-commons. Thus, if you have not already pulled tegonal-scripts, then gt pull them.
And then in your you can use it as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
shopt -s inherit_errexit
# Assumes tegonal's github-commons was fetched with gt and put into repoRoot/lib/tegonal-gh-commons/src
dir_of_github_commons="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}")" >/dev/null && pwd 2>/dev/null)/../../../lib/tegonal-gh-commons/src"
if ! [[ -v dir_of_tegonal_scripts ]]; then
source "$dir_of_tegonal_scripts/" "$dir_of_tegonal_scripts"
source "$dir_of_github_commons/gt/"
declare _tag=$1 source=$2 _target=$3
shift 3 || die "could not shift by 3"
# replaces placeholders in all files github-commons provides with placeholders
replaceTegonalGhCommonsPlaceholders "$source" "my-project-name" "$MY_PROJECT_LATEST_VERSION" \
"MyCompanyName, Country" "[email protected]" "my-companies-github-name" "my-project-github-name"
Our thanks go to code contributors as well as all other contributors (e.g. bug reporters, feature request creators etc.)
You are more than welcome to contribute as well:
- star this repository if you like/use it
- open a bug if you find one
- Open a new discussion if you are missing a feature
- ask a question so that we better understand where our scripts need to improve.
- have a look at the help wanted issues.
Please have a look at for further suggestions and guidelines.
Execute the following script, which will extend the sub-key 945FE615904E5C85 by one year and copies it to src/gt/signing-key.public.asc and also signs it again with the key 4B78012139378220 and finally copies the files to the .gt folder.
Most provided files are licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal.
Some files might be licensed under a different license, see header of the file.