This is simple program which can be used to find deflection in 2D trusses.
This project requires PHP 7+. You can install PHP 7 from
Please follow the following steps in order to start the project.
- Create a clone wherever you want.
$ git clone
- Install the required dependencies.
$ composer install
- Modify the values of young modulus, etc in file which is present in includes folder.
* Young modulus of the material
define('E', '30000');
* magnifying factor of displacements
* length factor for unit conversion
define('LENGTH_FACTOR', 1.0);
* magnifying factor in general
- Modifiy the forces and Member details in
element : # of element
node1 : value of force in X-Dir(KN)
node2 : value of force in Y-Dir(KN)
node1_constraints : DOF free/fixed @ Node1 in X-Dir,Y-Dir
node2_constraints : DOF free/fixed @ Node2 in X-Dir,Y-Dir
area : Area of Cross-Section
e.g. 1-2 0,0 2,0 fixed,free free,free 500
It means Node1 @ (0,0) is fixed in X-Dir and free in Y-Dir &
Node2 @ (2,0) is free in both Dir for Element '1-2'
node : # of node
x : value of force in X-Dir(KN)
y : value of force in Y-Dir(KN)
e.g. 1 100 200
It means a force of 100KN in X-Dir & 200KN in Y-Dir is applied on Node #1
Run following command in terminal
$ ./
Then navigate to http://localhost:8100
to view the results.
This project is licensed under MIT
License. See LICENSE for full license text.