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FatEcto: Supercharge Your Ecto Queries with Ease! 🚀

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FatEcto is an Elixir package designed to make your life easier when working with Ecto. It simplifies query building, filtering, sorting, pagination, and data sanitization—so you can focus on what truly matters: building amazing applications. With FatEcto, writing complex queries becomes effortless, flexible, and powerful! 💪


Getting started is simple! Add fat_ecto to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    # Check for the latest version
    {:fat_ecto, "~> 1.0.0"}

Then, run mix deps.get to install the package.

Features & Modules

🛠 FatEcto.FatQuery.Whereable – Dynamic Filtering Made Easy

Tired of writing repetitive query filters? The Whereable module lets you dynamically filter records using flexible conditions passed from your web or mobile clients—with little to no effort! And the best part? You stay in control. 🚀


defmodule FatEcto.FatHospitalFilter do
  use FatEcto.FatQuery.Whereable,
    filterable_fields: %{
      "id" => ["$EQUAL", "$NOT_EQUAL"]
    overrideable_fields: ["name", "phone"],
    ignoreable_fields_values: %{
      "name" => ["%%", "", [], nil],
      "phone" => ["%%", "", [], nil]

  import Ecto.Query

  # You can implement override_whereable for your custom filters
  def override_whereable(dynamics, "name", "$ILIKE", value) do
    dynamics and dynamic([r], ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT",, ^value))

  def override_whereable(dynamics, _, _, _), do: dynamics

Example Usage

Here are some practical examples of how to use FatEcto.FatHospitalFilter to dynamically build queries:

Example 1: Basic Filtering by ID
# Filter hospitals with ID equal to 1
params = %{"id" => %{"$EQUAL" => 1}}
dynamics =

# Use the dynamics in a query
import Ecto.Query
query = where(FatEcto.FatHospital, ^dynamics)

# Resulting query:
# from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: == 1)
Example 2: Case-Insensitive Name Search
# Filter hospitals with names containing "St. Mary"
params = %{"name" => %{"$ILIKE" => "%St. Mary%"}}
dynamics =

# Use the dynamics in a query
import Ecto.Query
query = where(FatEcto.FatHospital, ^dynamics)

# Resulting query:
# from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT",, ^"%St. Mary%"))
Example 3: Combining Multiple Filters
# Filter hospitals with ID not equal to 2 AND name containing "General"
params = %{
  "id" => %{"$NOT_EQUAL" => 2},
  "name" => %{"$ILIKE" => "%General%"}
dynamics =

# Use the dynamics in a query
import Ecto.Query
query = where(FatEcto.FatHospital, ^dynamics)

# Resulting query:
# from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: != 2 and ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT",, ^"%General%"))
Example 4: Ignoring Empty or Invalid Values
# Filter hospitals with a name, but ignore empty or invalid values
params = %{"name" => %{"$ILIKE" => "%%"}}  # Empty value is ignored
dynamics =

# Use the dynamics in a query
import Ecto.Query
query = where(FatEcto.FatHospital, ^dynamics)

# Resulting query:
# from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital)  # No filtering applied for name

🔄 FatEcto.FatQuery.Sortable – Effortless Sorting

Sorting should be simple—and with Sortable, it is! Your frontend can send sorting parameters, and FatEcto will seamlessly generate the right sorting queries, allowing you to build powerful, customizable sorting logic without breaking a sweat. 😎


defmodule Fat.SortQuery do
  import Ecto.Query
  use FatEcto.FatQuery.Sortable,
    sortable_fields: %{"id" => "$ASC", "name" => ["$ASC", "$DESC"]},
    overrideable_fields: ["custom_field"]

  @impl true
  def override_sortable(query, field, operator) do
    case {field, operator} do
      {"custom_field", "$ASC"} ->
        from(q in query, order_by: [asc: fragment("?::jsonb->>'custom_field'", q)])
      _ ->

📌 FatEcto.FatPaginator – Paginate Like a Pro

No more hassle with pagination! FatPaginator helps you paginate Ecto queries efficiently, keeping your APIs snappy and responsive.


defmodule Fat.MyPaginator do
  use FatEcto.FatPaginator, repo: Fat.Repo
  # Add custom pagination functions here

🔍 FatEcto.DataSanitizer – Clean & Structured Data

Messy data? Not anymore! DataSanitizer helps you sanitize records and transform them into structured, clean views effortlessly. Keep your data tidy and consistent. 🎯


defmodule Fat.MySanitizer do
  use FatEcto.DataSanitizer
  # Define your custom sanitization functions here

⚡ FatEcto Utilities – Small Helpers, Big Impact

FatEcto also comes with a set of handy utility functions to streamline your workflow:

# Check if a map contains all required keys
FatUtils.Map.has_all_keys?(%{a: 1, b: 2}, [:a, :b])

# Ensure a map contains only allowed keys
FatUtils.Map.contain_only_allowed_keys?(%{a: 1, c: 3}, [:a, :b])

🚀 Contributing

We love contributions! If you’d like to improve FatEcto, submit an issue or pull request. Let’s build something amazing together! 🔥

📜 License

FatEcto is released under the MIT License.

📖 See the full documentation at HexDocs for more details.