This is a slight reorganization of the original Nord JetBrains plugin, modified to suit my personal use case.
You could treat it as a collection of things I use in my day-to-day work, that should still be usable if you're not me.
It is not aimed to be compatible or in sync with the original Nord, but we'll see how things go.
- Nordish Next color scheme with fixed inheritances and colors adjusted towards less eye-strain
- Oceanic Next Nord-ified color scheme
- Nordish Darker theme with adjusted colors of panels to be a little darker
- ...and some original Nord theme(s)
You might want to use Atom Material Icons with this theme collection, it looks awesome IMO.
- I'll be trying to maintain it as new things appear, but since this is just a couple of text files, it shouldn't be hard... Right?
- Idea of
themes shamelessly stolen from that one awesome Material UI theme that stopped being awesome when it became paid. I really liked the Oceanic variant, but Nord is better, because it's free.
Licensed under MIT, see
Based on original work by, and forked from
Original Nord copyright notice: Copyright © 2016-present Arctic Ice Studio and Sven Greb
The theme Oceanic Next Nord
is based on Oceanic Next
(see here), which in turn is based on Oceanic
theme/color scheme.