An i3/sway scratchpad window selector mode for Rofi. Not really of all that much use alongside the standard Rofi window mode, except that it only selects scratchpad windows (so can be less cluttered in some situations) and also allows for presenting all scratchpad windows.
POSIX shell
Rofi or Rofi-wayland window switcher/application launcher/dmenu replacement
i3 or sway improved tiling window manager
jq command line JSON processor
pkill process command
Ensure script is executable, then use one of the following options to add to your Rofi modi:
Option 1: Launch Rofi with a script mode set using the syntax "{name}:{executable}"
rofi -show scratchpad -modi "scratchpad:/path/to/script/rofi_i3_scratchpad"
Option 2: Add custom mode to Rofi config.rasi
configuration {
modi: "scratchpad:/path/to/script/rofi_i3_scratchpad";
Other modi can be added as usual seprarated by commas; the mode also doesn't have to be called "scratchpad", any name or glyph can be used.
The i3 scratchpad mode should then be available when launching Rofi, offering a list of window IDs and corresponding titles along with "All Windows". Choosing any option will bring the selected window from the scratchpad, close Rofi and focus the window ("All Windows" will bring all windows from the scratchpad). If there are no windows in the scratchpad, "No Windows in Scratchpad" will be stated; selecting this option closes Rofi.