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Subversion Server Setup

Paul Hammant edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

Scroll to the bottom for Amazon EC2, Google Cloud, office, and in-home Raspberry Pi (etc) server choices.

Server-side setup

General requirement: a server with the following installed and setup:

  • Subversion
  • Apache2 with mod_dav_svn

Non-standard Apache2 settings

These are the settings in httpd.conf that you'll need ADD to change after a "default" install. These allow Subsyncit modes of operation, but do not stop Subversion operating as a normal install for subversion's own clients:

<Location /svn>
  # etc
  DavDepthInfinity on
  SVNAutoversioning on
  # etc

Enforcing Permissions for read/write

By default, Subversion allows anonymous access to files that it holds. Most likely, you'll not want to do that for the types of file you would want to store in there for corporate assets.

Basic permissions setup

Two lines in httpd.conf should be changed. From:

# anon-access = read
# auth-access = write


anon-access = none
auth-access = write

These need to be added to the Subversion block inside httpd.conf:

<Location /svn>
  # etc
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion repository"
  AuthUserFile /opt/bitnami/repository/users
  require valid-user
  # etc

Creating users

Use htpasswd to create users.

sudo htpasswd -c /path/to/authz_users_file <username>

You will be prompted to choose a password. Also change -c to -m for second and subsequent invocations, as the former overwrites the file.

Optional Subversion settings for large files

If you are storing large binary files (> 100MB), you may need to change some settings for the Subversion repo too. Specifically in <svn_root>/db/fsfs.conf on the server.

Subversion attempts to align storage with 'deltas' of changes. A large 15GB AVI file that you changed the resolution of, will have EVERY BYTE different. Therefore attempting to look for deltas is pointless. If that is your file type, and changes like that are real, turn off delta-walking, by making the pertinent line like so:

max-deltification-walk = 0

The compression for large binaries kills performance for changes being pushed to the server. Turn it off for all file types, by making the pertinent line like so:

compression-level = 0

Excluding temp files from syncing

Subsyncit ignores some fies by default. Such as the .DS_Store folders from Spotlight on the Mac. It also ignores files starting with . generally (meaning "hidden" on Mac and Linux). Subsyncit administrators can checking a file called .subsyncit-excluded-filename-patterns to root folder of the repository which can contain extra regex masks for files to ignore in any directory. In that file, there should be one regex per line.

Microsoft Office

MS Office stores data temporarily per file currently being edited. It deletes those files when editing is complete. Lines you'll need to add:


Different choices for Apache2/Subversion servers:

  1. Bitnami-Cloud-Server-Setup - for Amazon's EC2 platform, Google Cloud (and others)
  2. Inexpensive SFF PC with 4TB USB hard drive - done, but writeup needed
  3. Raspberry Pi 0 W with 200GB SD card - a cheap and small hardware choice
  4. Docker deployment - no SSL, one user created by default
  5. Using Subsyncit with Assembla's cloud service - TODO
  6. Using Subsyncit with a RhodeCode install - TODO