“Scirocco” is an open source Application testing tool from Sonix. You will be able to access necessary testing devices from Eclipse. Instead of hand operation, Scirocco provides automatic Android application’s testing functionalities. it supports Google’s NativeDriver and AndroidDriver as main testing library. Scirocco consist of three parts as below.
- NativeDriver is an implementation of the WebDriver API which drives of the UI of a native application rather than a web application.
- Android WebDriver allows to run automated end-to-end tests that ensure your site works correctly when viewed from the Android browser. Android WebDriver supports all core WebDriver APIs, and in addition to that it supports mobile spacific and HTML5 APIs.
- An Eclipse plug-in
- Possible to perform scenario testing automatically and making test reports with screenshots
- Eclipse >= 3.6.2 (Helios SR2)
- Java >= 6