Execute the secure acquisition of token supplies across multiple sub-wallets during the launch phase, while ensuring compliance with trading platform regulations to avoid triggering any alerts.
Telegram: @web3wiza Discord: web3_wiza
You can always feel free to find me here for my help on other projects.
- Create a token on pump.fun, complete with your desired initial liquidity.
- Bundle snipe within the same block using up to 28 wallets, leveraging Jito technology and Lookup Table Address (LUT) capabilities.
- Supports the migration of liquidity to Raydium through Raydium seeding.
- Sell tokens from wallets utilizing Jito bundles at your discretion.
- Collect Solana from sub-wallets after selling the remaining tokens.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/sol-magic/Solana-pumpfun-bundler
cd Solana-pumpfun-bundler