Tags: snowlue/WWTBAM
Пересборка exe и фиксы багов Идея с ярлыком Game.lnk оказалась провальной, т.к. ярлык не способен в относительные пути. database.sqlite3 ⠀- Перепроверил вопросы и поправил оставшиеся многоточия ⠀- Очистил таблицу результатов main.py ⠀- Отсортировал импорты ⠀- Поправил баг при выходе из игры с деньгами ⠀- Добавил жирности шрифту в окне ошибки README.md ⠀- Добавил правила игры ui.py ⠀- Отсортировал импорты ⠀- Добавил автообновление года Пересобрал exe с учётом пофикшенных багов.
Logging the game (logs.txt) | opening beta-testing Welcome to beta-testing, guys! Now it is your time. You can download wwtbam_game.exe and test the game now! You need to push and click everywhere, test aggressively and by your own user experience. If you catch an error, you will get a message saying that you should send logs.txt to me in Telegram, but during this time of open testing, it is better to create an issue in GitHub (github.com/PaveTranquil/WWBM/issues/new), if you are registered there, and describe the problem with the steps that led to its reproduction. Else, of course, write to me in Telegram (t.me/pavetranquil)
Musical score and bugfixes To release playing audio content I use three classes are placed in PyQt.QtMultimedia (QMediaPlayer, QMediaContent) and PyQt5.QtCore (QUrl). I wrote an functional which returns QMediaContent by string of file's location. After it I can place QMediaContent in QMediaPlayer by QMediaPlayer.setMedia(). I intialized 4 players (you can see comments about the purpose of each of them) and added one argument in startGame which helps distinguish the first start from other. Many timers were increased for better experience with my app. I use QMediaPlayer.start() and QMediaPlayer.stop() to start and stop sound playback. Another fixes: - Importing Qt for keys in keyboard - Inheriting Ui_MainWindow in GameWindow - Russian buttons in keyPressEvent - Animation of correct answer