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started alex/happy parser for core language
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Martin-Strecker committed Feb 9, 2021
1 parent 52b615f commit faf5d62
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Showing 10 changed files with 339 additions and 81 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Exec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Exec where

import Data.List
import AbsSyntax
import Syntax
import Typing

lift_uarith_op :: UArithOp -> Val -> Val
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84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/Lexer.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XFlexibleContexts #-}

module Lexer (
) where

import Control.Monad.Except


%wrapper "basic"

$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z]
$eol = [\n]

tokens :-

-- Whitespace insensitive
$eol ;
$white+ ;

-- Comments
"#".* ;

-- Syntax
let { \s -> TokenLet }
True { \s -> TokenTrue }
False { \s -> TokenFalse }
Bool { \s -> TokenBool }
in { \s -> TokenIn }
Int { \s -> TokenInt }
$digit+ { \s -> TokenNum (read s) }
"->" { \s -> TokenArrow }
\\ { \s -> TokenLambda }
\= { \s -> TokenEq }
\< { \s -> TokenLt }
[\+] { \s -> TokenAdd }
[\-] { \s -> TokenSub }
[\*] { \s -> TokenMul }
\: { \s -> TokenColon }
\( { \s -> TokenLParen }
\) { \s -> TokenRParen }
$alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { \s -> TokenSym s }


data Token
= TokenLet
| TokenTrue
| TokenFalse
| TokenBool
| TokenIn
| TokenInt
| TokenLambda
| TokenNum Int
| TokenSym String
| TokenArrow
| TokenEq
| TokenLt
| TokenAdd
| TokenSub
| TokenMul
| TokenColon
| TokenLParen
| TokenRParen
| TokenEOF
deriving (Eq,Show)

scanTokens :: String -> Except String [Token]
scanTokens str = go ('\n',[],str) where
go inp@(_,_bs,str) =
case alexScan inp 0 of
AlexEOF -> return []
AlexError _ -> throwError "Invalid lexeme."
AlexSkip inp' len -> go inp'
AlexToken inp' len act -> do
res <- go inp'
let rest = act (take len str)
return (rest : res)

19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
module Main where

import Parser (parseProgram)
import System.Environment

process :: String -> IO ()
process input = do
let ast = parseProgram input
case ast of
Right ast -> putStrLn (show ast)
Left err -> do
putStrLn "Parser Error:"
print err

main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "hello world"
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> putStrLn "Usage: core-language <input file>"
[fname] -> do
contents <- readFile fname
process contents
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/Parser.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Parser (
) where

import Lexer
import Syntax

import Control.Monad.Except


-- Entry point
%name expr Expr

-- Lexer structure
%tokentype { Token }

-- Parser monad
%monad { Except String } { (>>=) } { return }
%error { parseError }

-- Token Names
-- let { TokenLet }
true { TokenTrue }
false { TokenFalse }
Bool {TokenBool}
-- in { TokenIn }
Int {TokenInt}
NUM { TokenNum $$ }
VAR { TokenSym $$ }
'\\' { TokenLambda }
'->' { TokenArrow }
-- '=' { TokenEq }
'<' { TokenLt }
'+' { TokenAdd }
'-' { TokenSub }
'*' { TokenMul }
':' { TokenColon }
'(' { TokenLParen }
')' { TokenRParen }

-- Operators
%left '<'
%left '+' '-'
%left '*'
%right '->'

Tp : Bool { BoolT }
| Int { IntT }
| Tp '->' Tp { FunT $1 $3 }
| '(' Tp ')' { $2 }

Expr : '\\' VAR ':' Tp '->' Expr { FunE () $2 $4 $6 }
| Form { $1 }

Form : Form '<' Form { BinOpE () (BCompar BClt) $1 $3 }
| Form '+' Form { BinOpE () (BArith BAadd) $1 $3 }
| Form '-' Form { BinOpE () (BArith BAsub) $1 $3 }
| Form '*' Form { BinOpE () (BArith BAmul) $1 $3 }
| Fact { $1 }

Fact : Fact Atom { AppE () $1 $2 }
| Atom { $1 }

Atom : '(' Expr ')' { $2 }
| NUM { ValE () (IntV $1) }
| VAR { VarE () $1 0 }
| true { ValE () (BoolV True) }
| false { ValE () (BoolV False) }


parseError :: [Token] -> Except String a
parseError (l:ls) = throwError (show l)
parseError [] = throwError "Unexpected end of Input"

parseExpr :: String -> Either String (Exp ())
parseExpr input = runExcept $ do
tokenStream <- scanTokens input
expr tokenStream

parseTokens :: String -> Either String [Token]
parseTokens = runExcept . scanTokens

26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/RuleToTa.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module RuleToTa where
import Data.List
import AbsL
import AbsSyntax
import Syntax
import TaToUppaal
-- import ExampleInput

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,22 +202,22 @@ internalFieldTpToTp "Int" = IntT
internalFieldTpToTp nm = ClassT (ClsNm nm)

internalFieldToFieldDecl :: (String, String) -> FieldDecl
internalFieldToFieldDecl (fnm, ftp) = FldDecl (FldNm fnm) (internalFieldTpToTp ftp)
internalFieldToFieldDecl (fnm, ftp) = FieldDecl (FldNm fnm) (internalFieldTpToTp ftp)

sdrToClassDecl :: SimpleDefRule -> ClassDecl (Maybe ClassName)
sdrToClassDecl (DefRule cn scn flds) = ClsDecl (ClsNm cn) (ClsDef (Just (ClsNm scn)) (map internalFieldToFieldDecl flds))
sdrToClassDecl (DefRule cn scn flds) = ClassDecl (ClsNm cn) (ClassDef (Just (ClsNm scn)) (map internalFieldToFieldDecl flds))

-- Translation Event Rules (internal representation) to Timed Automata

serToTransition :: SimpleEventRule -> [Transition]
serToTransition :: SimpleEventRule -> [Transition Tp]
serToTransition (EvRule2State rn gv pt act (Hence hcs)) =
let start_loc = Lc gv
end_loc = Lc (head hcs)
clcstr = [] -- temporarily
clreset = [] -- temporarily
in [Trans start_loc clcstr act clreset end_loc]
in [Trans start_loc (TransCond clcstr (ValE BoolT (BoolV True))) (TransAction act clreset Skip) end_loc]
serToTransition (EvRule3State rn gv upon pt act (Hence hcs)) =
let start_loc = Lc gv
interm_loc = Lc rn
Expand All @@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ serToTransition (EvRule3State rn gv upon pt act (Hence hcs)) =
clreset1 = [] -- temporarily
clcstr2 = [] -- temporarily
clreset2 = [] -- temporarily
in [Trans start_loc clcstr1 upon clreset1 interm_loc,
Trans interm_loc clcstr2 act clreset2 end_loc]
in [Trans start_loc (TransCond clcstr1 (ValE BoolT (BoolV True))) (TransAction upon clreset1 Skip) interm_loc,
Trans interm_loc (TransCond clcstr2 (ValE BoolT (BoolV True))) (TransAction act clreset2 Skip) end_loc]

Expand All @@ -245,22 +245,22 @@ quotientByResult f (x:xs) =
(pos, neg) = partition (\e -> ec == (f e)) xs
in (ec, (x:pos)) : quotientByResult f neg

transitionsToTA :: (PartyName, [Transition]) -> TA t
transitionsToTA :: (PartyName, [Transition Tp]) -> TA Tp
transitionsToTA ((PtNm pn), trans) =
let locs = nub (concatMap (\(Trans l1 _ _ _ l2) -> [l1, l2]) trans)
chans = nub (concatMap (\(Trans _ _ act _ _) -> action_name act) trans)
let locs = nub (concatMap (\(Trans l1 _ _ l2) -> [l1, l2]) trans)
chans = nub (concatMap (\(Trans _ _ tract _) -> transition_action_name tract) trans)
clcks = [] -- TODO
init_loc = [Lc "Start"] -- TODO
invs = [] -- TODO
lbls = [] -- TODO
in TmdAut pn locs chans clcks trans init_loc invs lbls

-- TODO: exact type parameter of TASys to be determined
sersToTASys :: [SimpleEventRule] -> TASys t
sersToTASys :: [SimpleEventRule] -> TASys Tp [a]
sersToTASys sers =
let ruleQuot = quotientByResult serPartyName sers
transQuot = map (\(p, rls) -> (p, concatMap serToTransition rls)) ruleQuot
in TmdAutSys (map transitionsToTA transQuot)
in TmdAutSys (map transitionsToTA transQuot) []


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ rewriteTree (Toplevel tops) = Toplevel $ do

-- generate Uppaal code from L4 file
-- for example:
-- genUppaal "../l4/deon_bike_meng_detail.l4" "/home/strecker/Systems/Uppaal/Examples/deon_bike_gen.xta"
-- genUppaal "../../l4/deon_bike_meng_detail.l4" "/home/strecker/Systems/Uppaal/Examples/deon_bike_gen.xta"
genUppaal :: String -> String -> IO ()
genUppaal f_in f_out = runFile 2 pTops f_in f_out

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