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removed legacy BoolT and IntT, replaced by classes Boolean and Intege…
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…r. Types in L4 files should now also be Boolean / Integer. Renamed UBneg to UBnot
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Martin-Strecker committed May 28, 2021
1 parent ec7ee76 commit 1549feb
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Showing 14 changed files with 68 additions and 108 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions l4/mini.l4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ IncompatibleWithDignity -> "incompatible with dignity of legal profession"
# r34_1_a_applies -> "rule 341 applies"

class Business {
DetractsFromDignity: Bool # has lexicon entry
IncompatibleWithDignity: Bool # has lexicon entry
DerogatesFromDignity: Bool # has lexicon entry
UnauthorizedSharingFees : Bool # has lexicon entry
DescribedInSectionOne : Bool # rest parsed from the predicate name
Unfair: Bool
DescribedInFirstSchedule: Bool
Prohibited: Bool
DetractsFromDignity: Boolean # has lexicon entry
IncompatibleWithDignity: Boolean # has lexicon entry
DerogatesFromDignity: Boolean # has lexicon entry
UnauthorizedSharingFees : Boolean # has lexicon entry
DescribedInSectionOne : Boolean # rest parsed from the predicate name
Unfair: Boolean
DescribedInFirstSchedule: Boolean
Prohibited: Boolean

decl r34_1_a_applies: Business -> Bool
decl r34_1_a_applies: Business -> Boolean

rule <r34_1_a>
for b: Business
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions l4/rps.l4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ Sign -> "sign_2_N"
Game -> "game_1_N"

class Sign {
beat : Sign -> Bool
beat : Sign -> Boolean

class Player {
throw : Sign -> Bool
throw : Sign -> Boolean

class Game {
participate_in : Player -> Bool
win : Player -> Bool
participate_in : Player -> Boolean
win : Player -> Boolean

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Error.hs
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Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ printVarName = id

printTp :: Tp -> String
printTp t = case t of
BoolT -> "Bool"
IntT -> "Int"
ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean") -> "Bool"
ClassT (ClsNm "Integer") -> "Integer"
ClassT cn -> printClassName cn
FunT t1 t2 -> "(" ++ printTp t1 ++ " -> " ++ printTp t2 ++")"
TupleT [] -> "()"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Exec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ lift_uarith_op u c = case (u, c) of

lift_ubool_op :: UBoolOp -> Val -> Val
lift_ubool_op u c = case (u, c) of
(UBneg, BoolV b) -> BoolV (not b)
(UBnot, BoolV b) -> BoolV (not b)
_ -> ErrV

lift_unaop_expr :: UnaOp -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Parser.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ Assertion : assert KVMap Expr { Assertion (tokenRange $1 $3) $2 $3 }
-- Atomic type
-- Used to resolve ambigouity of \x : A -> B -> x
-- and force the use of parenthesis: \x : (A -> B) -> x
ATp : Bool { L (getLoc $1) BoolT }
| Int { L (getLoc $1) IntT }
ATp : Bool { L (getLoc $1) booleanT }
| Int { L (getLoc $1) integerT }
| VAR { L (getLoc $1) $ ClassT (ClsNm $ tokenSym $1) }
| '(' TpsCommaSep ')' { L (getLoc $2) $ case $2 of [t] -> unLoc t; tcs -> TupleT (map unLoc $ reverse tcs) }

Expand All @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Expr : '\\' Pattern ':' ATp '->' Expr { FunE (tokenRange $1 $6) $2 (unLoc $4) $
| Expr '||' Expr { BinOpE (tokenRange $1 $3) (BBool BBor) $1 $3 }
| Expr '&&' Expr { BinOpE (tokenRange $1 $3) (BBool BBand) $1 $3 }
| if Expr then Expr else Expr { IfThenElseE (tokenRange $1 $6) $2 $4 $6 }
| not Expr { UnaOpE (tokenRange $1 $2) (UBool UBneg) $2 }
| not Expr { UnaOpE (tokenRange $1 $2) (UBool UBnot) $2 }
| not derivable VAR { NotDeriv (tokenRange $1 $3) True (VarE (tokenPos $3) (GlobalVar $ tokenSym $3)) }
| not derivable not VAR { NotDeriv (tokenRange $1 $4) False (VarE (tokenPos $4) (GlobalVar $ tokenSym $4)) }
| not derivable VAR Atom { NotDeriv (tokenRange $1 $4) True (AppE (tokenRange $3 $4) (VarE (tokenPos $3) (GlobalVar $ tokenSym $3)) $4) }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/PrintProg.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ printVar (LocalVar vn i) = vn

printUnaOpE :: UnaOp -> String
printUnaOpE (UArith UAminus) = "-"
printUnaOpE (UBool UBneg) = "not "
printUnaOpE (UBool UBnot) = "not "

printBinOpE :: BinOp -> String
printBinOpE (BArith b1) =
Expand Down
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions src/RuleTransfo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,27 +13,19 @@ import Data.List (sortBy)
-- Logical infrastructure: macros for simplifying formula construction

boolT :: Tp
boolT = ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean")

trueV :: Expr Tp
trueV = ValE boolT (BoolV True)

falseV :: Expr Tp
falseV = ValE boolT (BoolV False)

-- TODO: UBneg should be renamed to UBnot
not :: Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
not = UnaOpE boolT (UBool UBneg)
not = UnaOpE booleanT (UBool UBnot)

conj :: Expr Tp -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
conj = BinOpE boolT (BBool BBand)
conj = BinOpE booleanT (BBool BBand)

disj :: Expr Tp -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
disj = BinOpE boolT (BBool BBor)
disj = BinOpE booleanT (BBool BBor)

impl :: Expr Tp -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
impl = BinOpE boolT (BBool BBimpl)
impl = BinOpE booleanT (BBool BBimpl)

conjs :: [Expr Tp] -> Expr Tp
conjs [] = trueV
Expand All @@ -46,7 +38,7 @@ disjs [e] = e
disjs (e:es) = disj e (disjs es)

eq :: Expr Tp -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
eq = BinOpE (ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean")) (BCompar BCeq)
eq = BinOpE booleanT (BCompar BCeq)

-- Logical infrastructure: computing normal forms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +118,7 @@ swapQuantif All = Ex
swapQuantif Ex = All

prenexUnary :: t -> UBoolOp -> Expr t -> Expr t
prenexUnary t UBneg (QuantifE tq q vn vt et) = QuantifE tq (swapQuantif q) vn vt (UnaOpE t (UBool UBneg) et)
prenexUnary t UBnot (QuantifE tq q vn vt et) = QuantifE tq (swapQuantif q) vn vt (UnaOpE t (UBool UBnot) et)
prenexUnary t u e = UnaOpE t (UBool u) e

prenexBinary :: t -> BBoolOp -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t
Expand All @@ -151,7 +143,7 @@ ruleToFormula r = abstract All (varDeclsOfRule r) (impl (precondOfRule r) (postc
abstract :: Quantif -> [VarDecl Tp] -> Expr Tp -> Expr Tp
abstract q vds e
= foldr
(\ vd -> QuantifE boolT q (nameOfVarDecl vd) (tpOfVarDecl vd)) e
(\ vd -> QuantifE booleanT q (nameOfVarDecl vd) (tpOfVarDecl vd)) e

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,7 +273,7 @@ ruleExLInvStep r =
rmpPostc = zip [ll + 1 .. lvds - 1] [ll .. lvds - 2]
rmpPrec = (ll, 0) : zip [0 .. ll - 1] [1 .. ll]
newPostc = remapExpr rmpPostc postc
newPrec = QuantifE boolT Ex (nameOfVarDecl d) (tpOfVarDecl d) (remapExpr rmpPrec prec)
newPrec = QuantifE booleanT Ex (nameOfVarDecl d) (tpOfVarDecl d) (remapExpr rmpPrec prec)
in [r{varDeclsOfRule = reverse (lowers++uppers)}{precondOfRule = newPrec}{postcondOfRule = newPostc}]
_ -> error "internal error in splitDecls: "

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +315,7 @@ rulesInversion rls =
let r1 = head rls
(VarE _ f, args) = appToFunArgs [] (postcondOfRule r1)
rn = nameOfVar f ++ "Inversion"
in Rule boolT rn (varDeclsOfRule r1) (postcondOfRule r1) (disjs (map precondOfRule rls))
in Rule booleanT rn (varDeclsOfRule r1) (postcondOfRule r1) (disjs (map precondOfRule rls))

-- Adds negated precondition of r1 to r2. Corresponds to:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Smt.hs
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Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ transUArithOp :: UArithOp -> SExpr -> SExpr
transUArithOp UAminus = SMT.neg

transUBoolOp :: UBoolOp -> SExpr -> SExpr
transUBoolOp UBneg = SMT.not
transUBoolOp UBnot = SMT.not

transUnaOp :: UnaOp -> SExpr -> SExpr
transUnaOp (UArith ua) = transUArithOp ua
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/SmtSBV.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ transExprPredicate env (ValE _ _) =
error "internal error in transExprPredicate: non-boolean value"
transExprPredicate env (VarE _ (GlobalVar vn)) =
return (lookupEnvSBool env vn)
transExprPredicate env (UnaOpE _ (UBool UBneg) e) =
transExprPredicate env (UnaOpE _ (UBool UBnot) e) =
do re <- transExprPredicate env e
return (sNot re)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ transExprSBool env (ValE _ (BoolV b)) = if b then sTrue else sFalse
transExprSBool env (ValE _ _) =
error "internal error in transExprPredicate: non-boolean value"
transExprSBool env (VarE _ (GlobalVar vn)) = lookupEnvSBool env vn
transExprSBool env (UnaOpE _ (UBool UBneg) e) = sNot (transExprSBool env e)
transExprSBool env (UnaOpE _ (UBool UBnot) e) = sNot (transExprSBool env e)
transExprSBool env _ = error "in transExprSBool"

--transToPredicateSingle:: Provable a => VarDecl t -> Expr t -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ transUArithOpDyn :: UArithOp -> SVal -> SVal
transUArithOpDyn UAminus = svUNeg

transUBoolOpDyn :: UBoolOp -> SVal -> SVal
transUBoolOpDyn UBneg = svNot
transUBoolOpDyn UBnot = svNot

transUnaOpDyn :: UnaOp -> SVal -> SVal
transUnaOpDyn (UArith ua) = transUArithOpDyn ua
Expand Down
54 changes: 16 additions & 38 deletions src/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,15 +84,22 @@ data ErrorCause
-- TODO: also types have to be annotated with position information
-- for the parser to do the right job
data Tp
= BoolT
| IntT
| ClassT ClassName
= ClassT ClassName
| FunT {funTp :: Tp, argTp :: Tp}
| TupleT [Tp]
| ErrT ErrorCause
| OkT -- fake type appearing in constructs (classes, rules etc.) that do not have a genuine type
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

booleanT :: Tp
booleanT = ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean")
integerT :: Tp
integerT = ClassT (ClsNm "Integer")
stringT :: Tp
stringT = ClassT (ClsNm "String")

data VarDecl t = VarDecl {annotOfVarDecl ::t
, nameOfVarDecl :: VarName
, tpOfVarDecl :: Tp }
Expand All @@ -110,7 +117,6 @@ instance HasLoc t => HasLoc (Mapping t) where
data FieldDecl t = FieldDecl {annotOfFieldDecl ::t
, nameOfFieldDecl :: FieldName
, tpOfFieldDecl :: Tp }
-- FieldAttribs
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Data, Typeable)
instance HasLoc t => HasLoc (FieldDecl t) where
getLoc = getLoc . annotOfFieldDecl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +186,11 @@ data Val
| ErrV
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

trueV :: Expr Tp
trueV = ValE booleanT (BoolV True)
falseV :: Expr Tp
falseV = ValE booleanT (BoolV False)

data Var
-- global variable only known by its name
= GlobalVar { nameOfVar :: VarName }
Expand All @@ -193,7 +204,7 @@ data UArithOp = UAminus
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

-- unary boolean operators
data UBoolOp = UBneg
data UBoolOp = UBnot
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Typeable)

-- unary operators (union of the above)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,42 +292,9 @@ childExprs x = case x of
allSubExprs :: Expr t -> [Expr t]
allSubExprs e = e : concatMap allSubExprs (childExprs e)

annotOfExpr :: Expr t -> t
annotOfExpr x = case x of
ValE t _ -> t
VarE t _ -> t
UnaOpE t _ _ -> t
BinOpE t _ _ _ -> t
IfThenElseE t _ _ _ -> t
AppE t _ _ -> t
FunE t _ _ _ -> t
QuantifE t _ _ _ _ -> t
FldAccE t _ _ -> t
TupleE t _ -> t
CastE t _ _ -> t
ListE t _ _ -> t
NotDeriv t _ _ -> t

updAnnotOfExpr :: (a -> a) -> Expr a -> Expr a
updAnnotOfExpr f e = e {annotOfExpr = f (annotOfExpr e)}
updAnnotOfExpr f x = case x of
ValE t a -> ValE (f t) a
VarE t a -> VarE (f t) a
UnaOpE t a b -> UnaOpE (f t) a b
BinOpE t a b c -> BinOpE (f t) a b c
IfThenElseE t a b c -> IfThenElseE (f t) a b c
AppE t a b -> AppE (f t) a b
FunE t a b c -> FunE (f t) a b c
QuantifE t a b c d -> QuantifE (f t) a b c d
FldAccE t a b -> FldAccE (f t) a b
TupleE t a -> TupleE (f t) a
CastE t a b -> CastE (f t) a b
ListE t a b -> ListE (f t) a b
NotDeriv t a b -> NotDeriv (f t) a b

instance HasLoc t => HasLoc (Expr t) where
getLoc e = getLoc (annotOfExpr e)
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/ToDA2.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ instance (Show t) => DSYaml (DSBlock t) where
-- , fieldsOfClassDef = [ FieldDecl { annotOfFieldDecl = _
-- , nameOfFieldDecl = FldNm "beat"
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT
-- ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Sign" ) ) BoolT }]} }
-- ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Sign" ) ) booleanT}]} }
-- ClassDecl { annotOfClassDecl = _
-- , nameOfClassDecl = ClsNm "Player"
Expand All @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ instance (Show t) => DSYaml (DSBlock t) where
-- , ClsNm "Object" ]
-- , fieldsOfClassDef = [ FieldDecl { annotOfFieldDecl = _
-- , nameOfFieldDecl = FldNm "throw"
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Sign" ) ) BoolT } ] } }
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Sign" ) ) booleanT } ] } }

-- ClassDecl { annotOfClassDecl = _
-- , nameOfClassDecl = ClsNm "Game"
Expand All @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ instance (Show t) => DSYaml (DSBlock t) where
-- , ClsNm "Object" ]
-- , fieldsOfClassDef = [ FieldDecl { annotOfFieldDecl = _
-- , nameOfFieldDecl = FldNm "participate_in"
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Player" ) ) BoolT
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Player" ) ) booleanT
-- }
-- , FieldDecl { annotOfFieldDecl = _
-- , nameOfFieldDecl = FldNm "win"
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Player" ) ) BoolT
-- , tpOfFieldDecl = FunT ( ClassT ( ClsNm "Player" ) ) booleanT
-- }
-- ] } } ]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ fieldDeclToBlock (FieldDecl _ (FldNm fldnm) fieldtype) =

eitherTp :: String -> a -> Tp -> Either String a
eitherTp x1 x2 tp = if elem tp [BoolT, IntT] then Right x2 else Left x1
eitherTp x1 x2 tp = if elem tp [booleanT, integerT] then Right x2 else Left x1

showFTname :: Tp -> Maybe String
showFTname tp = case tp of
(FunT x BoolT) -> showFTname x
(FunT x (ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean"))) -> showFTname x
(ClassT (ClsNm name)) -> Just $ lowercase name
_ -> Nothing

Expand All @@ -141,6 +141,6 @@ instance DSYaml (Program Tp) where

instance DSYaml Tp where
showDS tp = case tp of
BoolT -> "Boolean"
IntT -> "Number"
(ClassT (ClsNm "Boolean")) -> "Boolean"
(ClassT (ClsNm "Integer")) -> "Number"
_ -> "Unsupported Type"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ToGF/NormalizeSyntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ normalizeQuantifGF r = r { varDeclsOfRule = [],
wrapInExistential [] e = e
wrapInExistential (VarDecl ann nm tp:xs) e = wrapInExistential xs (QuantifE ann Ex nm tp e)
negateExpr :: Expr t -> Expr t
negateExpr e = UnaOpE (annotOfExpr e) (UBool UBneg) e
negateExpr e = UnaOpE (annotOfExpr e) (UBool UBnot) e

extractName :: Expr t -> String
extractName (ValE t v) = "someVal"
Expand Down

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