Terminal application
- minimalistic design
- highly configurable
- workspaces
Since 2.0.0 hispixel has got the workspaces.
By default alt-q, alt-w, alt-e, alt-r switch between the workspaces.
You can configure the shortcuts:
bindsym alt+q focus_z 1
bindsym alt+w focus_z 2
bindsym alt+e focus_z 3
bindsym alt+r focus_z 4
bindsym alt+t focus_z 5
bindsym alt+y focus_z 6
You can also configure the tab colors and names.
z_color_0 = ""
z_color_1 = "ff44ff aaaaff 44ffff ffff44 ff4444 44ff44"
z_gama = "-50"
z_names = "Q W E R T Y"
sudo apt install qtchooser
sudo apt install qdbus
$ sudo apt install autogen autoconf libtool pkgconf libvte-2.91-dev libgtk-3-dev libboost-all-dev g++ make
$ autoreconf -if
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make
To create the default config:
$ hispixel -D > ~/.config/hispixel
Place the confing file to:
source scripts/env.sh
$ sudo apt install gdbus
$ . scripts/env.sh
$ his-dump [workspace] [tab-number]
For instance, dumps content of the 3rd terminal on the workspace named Q:
$ his-dump q 3
cp scripts/hispixel.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/hispixel.desktop
sudo apt install xfonts-terminus
- Installs the "Terminus" font. Only some applications seem to support it. (eg: Shows up in Konsole, but not Terminator.)sudo apt install fonts-terminus
- Installs the "Terminus (TTF)" font. This seems to work everywhere.
Recommended options:
term_font = "Ubuntu Mono"
gama = "40"
auto_open_tabs = "true"