Releases: slimjs/slim.js
Fix: readonly accessors
The es5 version declares "use strict" and causes the browser to throw error when writing to read-only properties. Now added functionality to test whether the property has a descriptor with a writable === true
before attempting to update the property.
The main use-case is working with SVG elements, though it might occur in any bound object.
See #61 for reference.
Fix: readonly - non configurables
Duplicate slim instances fix
fix: Issue from StackOverflow when slim.js is loaded multiple times.
Repeater fix for firefox/ie11/edge
fix: Firefox dual repeat modes
options and table tags should be rendered as chrome and safari does, other tags should be wrapped by slim-repeat tag. This could cause some performance issues with very large lists (thousands) or deeply nested (recursively) repeated elements.
fix: Safari repeater rendering
Fix: root search when altering base class on-top of Slim
Feat: declarative switch-case
New feature: s:switch, s:case, s:default
- wrapGetterSetter (#31)
- s:if recheck value not to break css transitions
Feat: update(), commit()
feat: update([optional args]) - force update for descendant elements.
feat: commit([optional args]) - force reversed update for a single descendant element.
fix: selectRecursive minor issue
fix: Support for microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge's browser marks in it's userAgent signature "Chrome" along with "Edge". The flag check for browser compatibility failed and now it isresolved.
Now all major browsers are running slim 3.+